22 Million Indonesians are Affected by Ruangguru’s Positive Impact

Ruangguru has just announced the 2020 Ruangguru Impact Report. This report contains support, both in the form of educational social assistance and product innovation, as well as the achievements and impacts of the startup during 2020.
Based on this report, there are more than 22 million Indonesians who have received positive impacts, either through social education assistance or through sustainable product innovation during the pandemic. In addition, Ruangguru also provides access to improved teaching skills for more than 300 thousand teachers, as well as assisting 500 community teachers and families throughout Indonesia.

“The 2020 Ruangguru Impact Report is our effort to assess the effectiveness and impact created by all Ruangguru programs, initiatives, and products and services,” said Ruangguru Founder and Main Director, Belva Devara in an official statement, Thursday (4/2 / 2021).
Furthermore, Belva said, the fact that there are more than 22 million Indonesians who feel a positive impact, both students and teachers, is an exciting thing for the entire Ruangguru team.
“In 2021 we will use what we have learned in 2020, to continue to develop, innovate, and collaborate to make a positive impact in Indonesia,” said Belva. Now, the startup plans to target users in the 3T area.
“Students and teachers in the 3T area have difficulty accessing online learning services. This is because there is no signal,” said Belva. Last year, the company put all learning materials into USB to target users in the 3T area. The tool is then connected to the student device.
Add More 7 Million Users
Ruangguru’s Founder and Director of Products & Cooperation, Iman Usman, also said that the increase in users of 7 million users, from 15 million to 22 million users in 2020, is a big trust given to Ruangguru.
“The product innovation and partnership program in Ruangguru during 2020 will be focused on accelerating digital adoption more easily, with as few obstacles as possible and assistance,” explained Iman.

This report is prepared by combining various quantitative and qualitative methods for program recipients and product users. Quantitatively, Ruangguru conducts an assessment based on the level of engagement access to the application, the level of participation and activity of participants, and the level of participant satisfaction.
Meanwhile, qualitatively, the Head of Public Policy Ruangguru Amri Ilmma said the process was carried out regularly, starting from group discussions, in-depth interviews, and qualitative surveys of program satisfaction.
Distribute 12 Million Social Assistance and Education during 2020
Throughout 2020 since the Covid-19 pandemic hit, Ruangguru stated that it had distributed social and educational assistance to 12 million people. This effort is made so that education actors can gain access to proper teaching and learning amid limitations during the pandemic.
“Social initiatives that have been implemented include support for the education sector responding to the pandemic, training and building teacher capacity, learning assistance scholarships for students, work preparation assistance, and development of social literacy content for teachers and students,” Ruangguru said in a press release.

President Director of Ruangguru, Belva Devara said that through collaboration with related agencies, it can create a greater and more sustainable impact for Indonesian education. “This concern will continue this year and in the future considering there are still many educational actors who need our helping hand,” said Belva.
Ruangguru also provides free access to study for tens of thousands of orphans in 34 provinces and 800 children of medical personnel. One of the aid recipients admitted that he was helped by being able to discuss with teachers at Ruangguru. “This helps me because there is less time for discussions with teachers in schools online,” said a student of SMAN 8 Jambi, Amanda.