91 Million User Data Can Still Be Downloaded, Tokopedia Affirms

A few days ago, one member of the Facebook group about cybersecurity had shared a link to download 91 million Tokopedia data for free. This action is said to be a continuation of the data leak case that hit the marketplace user account in May 2020.
Following these findings, Tokopedia said it was aware that a third party had illegally uploaded information on social media and internet forums related to accessing stolen customer data. And, they make sure this is not a new data theft act.

“We want to emphasize, this is not an attempt to steal new data and Tokopedia user password information remains safely protected behind encryption,” said Tokopedia VP of Corporate Communications, Nuraini Razak, in a short message, Monday (6/7/2020).
Nuraini further said that she had reported this action to the police. This unicorn startup also reminds all parties to delete all information that facilitates access to data obtained by breaking the law.
Nuraini said that his party had submitted information related to the data theft incident transparently and periodically to all users. Tokopedia also coordinates with the government and various authorities while implementing international standard security measures.
“We have also directed our users on the further steps they must take to ensure the protection of their data,” Nuraini said.
91 Million Tokopedia User Data on the Dark Web Can be Downloaded Free on Forums
For information, on Saturday (07/04/2020) afternoon, one member of the Facebook group related to cybersecurity with about 15 thousand members sharing a link to download 91 million Tokopedia data for free.
When examined, the link refers to one of the accounts named @Cellibis at Raidsforum which indeed has shared that data on Friday (3/7/2020). The account was shared for almost free on the forum, which he had previously obtained by buying the data on the Dark Web for USD 5,000.

In his statement Sunday (05/07/2020), cybersecurity expert Pratama Persadha stated that Tokopedia was supposed to be responsible because the user data that they managed was leaked and of course many parties would use it for a crime. This is proof that Tokopedia has been hacked.
“Although it’s free, [the process] of downloading is also not easy. This file is stored on an American server, so [those who are interested in downloading this data] must use a VPN with an American IP,” said the chairman of the CISSReC Indonesian Cyber Research Institute.
Raidforums, said Pratama, also has its currency and all members who register in the forum can use it first.
“Members can deposit money through the Paypal service for a minimum of 8 Euros, then get 30 Credits,” Pratama added.
Final Data Size is 28.5GB
Pratama explained, to get 91 million Tokopedia to account data one needs to make payments worth 8 Credit. If payment is complete, a link to download the data will appear and the final download result is available in .zip format with a size of 9.5GB, which then becomes data in .txt format of 28.5GB after going through the extraction process.

“But not then we can open a text file of that size, there must be a special application such as UltraEdit to be able to open it. After that, we can see data as much as 91,174,216 containing full name, account name, email, online store, date of birth, cellphone number, date of registration, and some encrypted data in the form of hashes. Then easily with the search feature, email keywords or phone numbers that you want to find can be easily found,” said Pratama.
As of Sunday (05/07/2020) at 10:00 WIB, the link to download 91 million Tokopedia account data can still be accessed and 58 members have already downloaded it. It says the link expires only for the next 5 days. As for the leaked data, it is the same as the data that was widely discussed at the beginning of May 2020, namely the data that was mined as of March 2020.