Startup Platforms to Support Activities during Ramadan in the Pandemic

Entering the month of Ramadan in the midst of this corona pandemic, you don’t need to worry about being able to stay active in worship. There are ten platforms that can be used to support worship activities during this holy month.
This program is provided in the Gojek application and contains five services called eSedekah, eBukber, eRezeki, eNgabuburit, and eParsel. The eBukber service will make it easier for users to prepare food for dawn and breaking their fast through the GoFood, GoMart, and GoShop services.

Chief of Corporate Affairs Gojek Nila Marita said the services were to help users undergo Ramadan this year. “This is our commitment to providing solutions to problems faced by the community, including in the middle of Covid-19,” he said in a press release, Friday (24/4).
Then, eSedekah through GoGive took Baznas, Lazis Muhammadiyah, NU CARE-LazisNU, Rumah Zakat, Wahana Visi Indonesia, and Indorelawan. There is also eRezeki via GoPay to send money. Then, eNgabuburit is a program and content provided through GoTix.
Gojek partnered with Baznas, NU CARE-LAZISNU, Lazis Muhammadiyah, Rumah Zakat, Az-Zikra Council, Baitul Maal Hidayatullah, and TemanTajir to provide eDaran or electronic Dakwah Ramadan (Ramadan preaching). Gojek also launched the eParsel initiative through GoSend. For intercity shipping, this decacorn works in cooperation with Paxel.
Besides Gojek, Grab also Provides Special Services in Ramadan
Grab also launched eight new services to welcome Ramadan amid the corona pandemic. First, a scheduled order feature that allows consumers to set a schedule for ordering food two hours before breaking the fast or dawn. In fact, food can be ordered two days before.
Second, the Ramadan delivery package that is included in the program Ready to Visit in GrabExpress. Users can order subscription packages for shipping goods. In fact, consumers can send goods out of town and order via WhatsApp.

Third, GrabAssistant which allows users to ask for help from delivery partners to handle urgent needs or buy a variety of products in any store. Fourth, Bukber Maya or a series of interactive events that bring users together with a number of public figures.
Fifth, the online Ramadan market is virtually present from 27 April to 17 May. Sixth, the Ramadan GrabKitchen Beduk Package which offers a special fasting month bundling package. Seventh, the homecoming menu program to support users who cannot go home and who are present at GrabFood.
Eighth, THR sharing feature in GrabKios. The user only needs to include the address information of the house and bank account of the destination. GrabKios partners will come to the sender’s location to collect cash, then send it to the family.
Gojek and Grab also launched a “Siap Masak” feature to facilitate sales partners selling frozen food. This product has become a trend in the midst of restrictions on the activities of residents outside the corona-impacted homes.
Tokopedia and Dompet Dhuafa also Launched New Programs
The programs provided at Tokopedia include digital Al Qur’an features. Since its launch last month, the number of visits to this brand-new feature has more than doubled.
This feature also works with humanitarian agencies such as NU Care-LAZISNU, Rumah Yatim, Dompet Dhuafa, Baznas, and other partners. That way, Tokopedia users can give alms, sacrifice to charity through this feature.

Platform for giving zakat, donation, alms, and endowments digitally, Dompet Dhuafa, noted online donations have increased by 200% since 2017 until last year. Along with these developments, Dompet Dhuafa is collaborating with digital platforms such as e-commerce, payment fintech, banks, and others.
Dompet Dhuafa also noted there were Rp 10 billion or around 3.7% of the total zakat of IDR 270 billion, channeled through e-commerce in 2017. In addition, several digital platforms such as Gojek also have a GoGive donation platform. Then, OVO, Tokopedia and Grab collaborated on a ‘Joint Venture to Share’ program.