ALAMI Receives Loan Channelling Support of 431 Billion Rupiah from Lendable

Sharia p2p lending startup ALAMI announced loan channelling support, aka financing facilities from Lendable, a loan provider institution for developing countries from the UK.

fintech financial technology teknologi finansial tekfin Alami
Lendable will provide a loan ceiling of up to $30 million (over 431 billion Rupiah) as a senior guarantee facility under the Wakalah bil Istithmar agreement. This agreement will strengthen ALAMI’s position as a fintech platform that provides sharia-based productive financing for MSMEs.
It is claimed that this facility from Lendable makes ALAMI the first sharia fintech startup in Indonesia. In the Lendable portfolio, previously it has disbursed loans to KoinWorks and Amartha.
In an official statement, ALAMI Group Co-Founder & CEO Dima Djani said, this facility will be channeled to MSME projects in Indonesia through the ALAMI platform, so that it can contribute significantly in filling the productive financing gap.
“Currently, there is a financing need from SMEs of around $165 billion, but only $57 billion has been met, leaving a large enough gap to be filled. With this facility, we aim to stimulate and revitalize the SME sector, as the backbone of our national economy,” said Dima.

The Potential of the Halal Industry Is Very Convincing
Quoting from various researches, it is said that the potential of the halal industry is very promising. In 2019, its value is estimated at $2.2 trillion, including the culinary, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, fashion and tourism sectors. The industry is projected to increase to $3 trillion by 2023.
In addition, Indonesia’s global ranking continues to improve, reaching 4th position as measured by the Global Islamic Economy Indicator (GIEI), after Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
The Indonesian halal industry is an increasingly attractive opportunity for international investors due to the increasing awareness of its ecosystem players including providing financing to support working capital and capital expenditures to meet growing demand.
Financing to support the working capital needs and capital expenditures of fintech innovators like ALAMI helps meet the growing demand for impactful sharia-based solutions.
According to him, Lendable has values that are in line with the company, namely helping SMEs have access to finance and focus on social impact. He is also optimistic to meet financing needs and accelerate the growth of NATURAL’s performance this year.
Lendable Chief Investment Officer Hani Ibrahim added, “We are proud to have completed our first sharia-compliant facility and are honored to have worked with the ALAMI team on this milestone.”
The Lendable facility will give ALAMI the scale and capacity to grow rapidly and sustainably through innovative, technology-enabled work. A capital solution for a large number of underserved and high impact beneficiaries across Indonesia.

ALAMI Targets To Achieve
ALAMI targets to at least double its disbursement volume from Rp 2.1 trillion, and increase the number of SME projects being funded, which currently stands at more than 8,500 projects. Meanwhile, as of March 2022, the company recorded an accumulated loan disbursement of IDR 2.19 trillion. This figure has jumped from September 2021 of Rp. 1 trillion.
The largest financing distribution was supported by the telecommunications sector with 18.2% of the total distribution, followed by culinary 14.6% and energy 13.2%.
Meanwhile, ALAMI’s lenders grew by 370% year on year and the number of ALAMI application users reached more than 83 thousand spread throughout Indonesia.
This positive performance is still followed by good financing quality, with TKB90 at the level of 100%, or in the analogy of Islamic banking known as Non-Performing Financing (“NPF”) at the level of 0%.
Lendable previously served as an institutional lender at Amartha, providing a $50 million loan facility, while at KoinWorks $40 million, which is divided into two stages.
Apart from Lendable, there are several other institutions that also provide similar funds for fintech lending in Indonesia, for example Accial Capital for Pintek, Cloud Tunai, and Investree. In addition, there are GMO Payment Gateway (Investree), Partners for Growth (Kredivo), etc.