AlteaCare Introduces Teleconsultation Platform for Specialists

AlteaCare officially introduces an app-based specialist doctor teleconsultation platform. As an initial stage, they collaborated with Mitra Keluarga Hospital as the first health facility partner.
Mikaela Oen, CEO of AlteaCare said that her party is trying to provide integrated health services so that people can experience virtual hospital comprehensive services. Currently, almost all Mitra Keluarga Hospital doctors are practicing on the AlteaCare platform.
Currently, AlteaCare provides a number of health services, including teleconsultation, medical advisor, vaccination, purchase and delivery of prescription drugs, to lab & radiology. AlteaCare is now available for download for Android and iOS devices.
She said the presence of AlteaCare services cannot be separated from the view of her party who sees at this time even though there are many telemedicine services in the country.

But unfortunately, it has not been able to serve a number of patient segments optimally, especially chronic patients. This is what triggers AlteaCare to present health applications to serve chronic patients and their very diverse needs.
In addition, AlteaCare is also focused on being able to truly build a relationship of trust between patients and doctors through open communication so that consultation services provided via its apps are in the form of video calls.
With this, patients can convey all their illness complaints directly, not just via chat while making it easier for doctors to provide diagnoses.
“The value proposition of AlteaCare from other platforms is to prioritize real-time teleconsultation with video calls. We also have medical advisors and Patient Relation Officers (PRO) to provide a better experience before and after teleconsultation,” said Mikaela in a virtual press conference.
Meanwhile, medical advisors help users choose the right specialist doctor. Meanwhile, PRO helps users complete the outpatient process after consulting a specialist.
In vaccine services, AlteaCare provides registration, screening, and scheduling. Medical records are stored in the hospital, but patients can get brief notes.
Will Continue to Add Health Facility Partners
To strengthen the service ecosystem in an integrated manner in the future, his party targets to continue to add other health facility partners, ranging from hospitals, pharmacies, and insurance.
Meanwhile, COO AlteaCare William Suryawan added, his party wants to be a digital gateway for people who have not been reached by health services.
“This means that hospitals have new channels to help them reach new patients during the pandemic. So, the presence of telemedicine is not to compete with other hospitals,” he said.

In addition to Mitra Keluarga Hospital, AlteaCare is also one of the online-based teleconsultation service providers in partnership with the Ministry of Health.
Deputy Minister of Health dr. Dante Saksono Harbuwono said that the use of technology and applications began to be widely developed in the health sector as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
“We really appreciate this step by integrating services with hospitals. We hope that more hospitals will join so that more people will also have access to health services,” he said.
This is a tangible form of AlteaCare’s involvement as an official partner of the Ministry of Health in providing the best service for the community by integrating hospital services and bringing together medical specialists from hospitals with patients virtually.
Healthtech during the Pandemic
Based on the 2020 Startup Report released by DSResearch, the health tech platform in Indonesia plays a significant role during the Covid-19 pandemic. With the social restriction policy, the pandemic seems to ‘force’ the public to adopt teleconsultation services.

As a result, the teleconsulting platform has seen multi-fold growth in transactions since last year. This gives a positive trend that teleconsulting services have great growth opportunities.
The government is also working with healthtech platforms to work to encourage social restrictions. Service innovations presented by healthtech actors can help the community to access health services without the need to leave the house.
The healthtech platform helps the government to provide rapid tests and PCR. Some of the other services that can be accessed are chatbots to identify or perform early diagnosis as well as online purchase and delivery of drugs.