The coworking space business is under pressure from the corona pandemic because the government urges people to work from home. However, coworking space company from the United States (US) WeWork saw four habit changes that ...
The best workout apps will make your diet or healthy lifestyle program is much better than before. This kind of service is suitable for everyone, especially for those who don’t have enough time to go ...
Organizing your workday can be very tricky. Whether you belong to a big or small enterprise, getting through the gamut of workday tasks will always have its challenges. With the popularity of remote work gaining ...
Financial technology (fintech) startups GoPay and OVO strengthened services earlier this year. GoPay penetrates gadget insurance, while OVO integrates digital wallets (e-money) and investment. Previously, Gojek’s insurance service, GoSure, provided cracked cellphone screen insurance. Now, ...
The startup business that provides tourism services, aka online travel agent (OTA), has been hit by the corona pandemic. However, the trend of traveling near home or staycation is driving up transactions on the Traveloka, ...
Since the amounts are a lot, it is so interesting to know what the best Android apps in 2020 are. Furthermore, the result is made by one of the giant digital companies in the world, ...
Grab’s investment in LinkAja at the end of last year was considered to be a positive signal for startups, especially in the field of financial technology (financial technology/fintech). Economic Observer from the Indonesia Strategic and ...
Students and university students have also been affected by the corona pandemic. To reduce bad credit, financial technology companies (fintech lending) specifically for education, Pintek, and Cicil, have also hooked up Micro, Small and Medium ...
If you are a gadget addict, then some of the most expensive gadgets ever are in this post. You probably can afford them if you are 1 percent. But, it doesn’t mean you can shop ...
Bank Indonesia (BI) estimates that e-commerce transactions will increase by 33.2% to IDR 337 trillion this year. Meanwhile, two studies show that payments in installments or Dpaylater continue to increase, including in Indonesia. The central ...
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