Telkomsel donated 100,000 units of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and ventilators to Emergency Hospitals such as Pertamina Jaya Hospital in Jakarta, and several Covid-19 referral hospitals throughout Indonesia. The PPE, which includes hazmat suits, infrared ...
Today, many people try to start working in the co-working area because they want to start their opportunity and career. Most of them tell that working in the co-working area is more flexible rather than ...
A digital healthcare service startup, SehatQ accelerated the launch of the Health Shop feature to facilitate community access to health needs that increased sharply amid the corona pandemic. The government’s call to limit outdoor activities ...
In cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenparekraf), Grab Indonesia provides a four-wheeled fleet service, specifically for 73 Covid-19 medical personnel traveling between the Mintoharjo Naval Hospital ...
Investment banks with large capital in the technology-based financial startup industry (fin-tech) are growing. At least, throughout the year for the next three years, more than one trillion rupiahs of fresh funds from the commercial ...
The emergence of various startup in Indonesia in terms of technology, giving a role to Indonesia in the Asian realm is increasingly visible. Indonesia is even touted to outperform Singapore, this is because some Indonesian ...
Co-working space is one of the best places especially for freelancers you should choose. Today, many freelancers, startups, and employees of large companies are turning to the co-working area to innovate and drive productivity, making this ...
Zoom has become one of the companies that benefit from the region’s lockdown during the coronavirus. Zoom platform has been used by millions of people due to work from home policy. Not only workers, students ...
In the middle of the corona pandemic, not a few e-commerce profits because of customer orders so many times. Supported products related to basic daily needs to support health. But apparently, this does not apply ...
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