Bogor City Government Collaborates with Kelas Pintar

The Bogor City Government is implementing applications or information technology in online learning, by establishing partnerships with the Future Education Research Center and Kelas Pintar.
This partnership is part of the Bogor City Government’s efforts to optimize Distance Learning (PJJ) during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya, said that this collaboration was a follow-up between the Bogor City Government and the Center for Future Education Research, which collaborated with the Kelas Pintar platform.
“So actually the Bogor City Government has collaborated with the Center for Future Education Research in March, regarding study guidelines in schools and teacher training, then collaborated with Kelas Pintar,” explained Bima through his statement, Tuesday (9/22/2020).

After signing the cooperation, Arya added, there would be socialization to schools regarding the PJJ guidelines. Especially the application of applications or information technology in online learning. Arya emphasized that the use of the Kelas Pintar application in the PJJ process is the authority of the school and is not coercive.
“The Kelas Pintar and the Future Education Research Center only want to contribute to the education sector in Bogor City by preparing PJJ guidelines during the Covid-19 pandemic. There is no subsidy from us, but with PJJ guidelines that we make learning will run effectively and efficiently in accordance with the Covid-19 pandemic emergency curriculum,” said Arya.
Kelas Pintar Contribution
This is agreed by Fernando Uffie, Founder and CEO of Kelas Pintar. According to him, when educating the nation’s life becomes the goal of the state, it is our collective duty to ensure that quality education can be enjoyed by all the nation’s children, at any time and in any condition.
“We appreciate the quick steps of the Bogor City Government in an effort to optimize PJJ. For this reason, we from the Kelas Pintar are ready to contribute optimally to ensure that teaching and learning activities through distance learning can produce graduates that are not inferior in quality to previous graduates,” said Uffie.

According to him, what the Bogor City Government has done by preparing infrastructure, content, guidelines, and maintaining the integrity of the education ecosystem is evidence of the great attention of the Bogor City Government to the education sector.
“This reminds me of what Emperor Hirohito said after Japan was hit by the atomic bomb. ‘Gather all teachers, because we will rely on them.’ Yes, education should not stop, in any bad condition. Because through education, we depend on the nation’s future,” said Uffie.
Bogor City Government Provides 797 Wifi Spots
For information, the Bogor City Government will provide 797 WiFi points that can be accessed for free throughout the city of Bogor and there is also free data from the Ministry of Education and Culture for 35 gigabytes of students and 45 gigabytes of teachers.
That includes assistance from providers, such as Telkomsel, which will cover 380 thousand starter cards of all students and teachers in Bogor, Indosat 30 gigabytes, 3, IM3, and Smartfren to schools.
The Bogor City Education Office is currently collecting data on the number of students who do not have gadgets or are less well off. Currently, there are 1,865 elementary and junior high school students who do not have gadgets, 633 elementary students and 1,232 junior high school students.

The form of contribution that the Kelas Pintar will give to the world of education in Bogor City is by providing a distance learning platform and content in the Regular Kelas Pintar, which can be accessed for free for one month by all students in the Bogor City area.
For information, the Kelas Pintar has presented the latest features, namely the School feature. School features explained Kelas Pintar, is a solution for the world of education in the Covid-19 era.
In the School feature, there are six menus that can be maximized by teachers, students, schools and also parents in the teaching and learning process. So that it provides advantages in the teaching and learning process.