BukaPengadaan Collaborates with TaniFund, Encouraging for MSMEs

BukaPengadaan from Bukalapak has just announced a partnership with TaniFund. Through this collaboration, the two will encourage the financing sector for MSME actors in the BukaPengadaan ecosystem network.
This collaboration cannot be separated from the similar mission of the two companies, namely helping the development of MSME businesses in Indonesia to grow better in the future.
Moreover, MSME actors are quite affected by the pandemic, especially MSMEs in the agricultural sector. In this collaboration, MSME actors who join the BukaPengadaan ecosystem, both buyers and vendors, will get various kinds of facilities to obtain business capital financing.

They will receive support from the TaniFund product, which has a financing scheme according to the borrower’s business model. There are several choices of financing schemes, such as installment payments during the loan period or payments at the end of the loan period.
TaniFund is targeting financing to BukaPengadaan suppliers of IDR 100 billion by the end of 2021. The form of cooperation between the two companies was marked by the signing between TaniHub Group CEO Pamitra Wineka and BukaPengadaan Director Hita Supranjaya.
This collaboration with TaniFund can provide additional financing options for MSME actors who are still struggling in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic to continue to develop their business, said Hita in an official statement received, Wednesday (15/9/2021).
Numpang Lapak Program in Promoting MSMEs
Previously, Bukalapak announced the presence of Numpang Lapak in RI’s 76th Anniversary. Through this program, Bukalapak collaborates with the community to promote the businesses of SMEs and small traders.
According to Bukalapak’s VP of Marketing, Erick Wicaksono, one way to help MSMEs and small traders in the midst of a pandemic is to support each other while helping their businesses to survive and even develop.
“There are so many traders who have difficulty selling, if we can help promote them, we can pump their spirits so that their business resilience is maintained, even in difficult conditions like today,” he said in an official statement received, Thursday (19/8/2021).

For this reason, through this program, the public can participate by taking photos or videos of their favorite MSMEs and small traders.
After that, the photo is uploaded to the Instagram feed or Stories with the hashtag #NumpangLapak, then tagged the Instagram account @Bukalapak.
This content can also be added with the #NumpangLapak sticker which can be found in the GIF Instagram Stories feature. The public can also include the information or telephone number of the merchant on the sticker.
Later, a number of these photos and videos will also be promoted on social media and digital promotional media for Bukalapak. The presence of this program cannot be separated from a survey conducted by LIPI through the Center for Economic Research (P2E).
The survey showed that 94 percent of MSME businesses experienced a decline in sales due to Covid-19. Therefore, this program is expected to be able to help SMEs and small traders during this pandemic.
Bukalapak is Officially on the IDX
Bukalapak is finally officially listed on the IDX (Indonesian Stock Exchange) today with the code ‘BUKA’. The inauguration ceremony, including the handover of the Bukalapak share listing certificate, was held virtually in the presence of IDX President Director Inarno Djajadi and the board of directors.

Also attending the event, President Commissioner Bambang Brodjonegoro along with other commissioners. Then, there is the President Director of Bukalapak, Rachmat Kaimuddin and the other board of directors.
We are very grateful that the Initial Public Offering (IPO) process went well as planned. “Today, in a very good month for the Indonesian people, Bukalapak is officially listed on the IDX,” said Rachmat in an official statement received, Friday (6/8/2021).
According to him, this was possible because of the support from all stakeholders, including the government, OJK, IDX, supporting professions, all employees, including partners and pelapak. Even though the Bukalapak IPO was carried out in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, interest in Bukalapak’s shares remained high.