Cakap Released a Service to Meet the Need for Professional Skill

Cakap as a learning application that has been known as a pioneer of online live tutoring in foreign languages will expand into a new field of learning material. This was done to anticipate the shift in the employment map in Indonesia going forward.
During 2020, 1.1 million formal workers were laid off and more than 300,000 workers were laid off. Central Statistics Agency data also shows an increase in the number of part-time workers in the first quarter of 2020, showing Indonesian workers need additional skills to increase competitiveness amid intense competition for work.
Cakap launches a new product, Cakap Upskill, a live tutoring platform that connects students with the best practitioners in their field so they can effectively improve their skills through online classes.
This service was aimed to support workers to improve their skills especially in this difficult situation.
Launched Online and Attended by Many Experts
In its launch, Cakap emphasized that the Cakap application was not limited to learning a foreign language, but also opened skills in other strategic fields. This commitment is also proven that Cakap Startup is becoming the preferred platform for Disrupto Fest in conducting its webinars and workshops.
Through Cakap Upskill, Cakap provides a variety of materials that are divided into three categories, namely personal development, career development, and entrepreneurship. The percentage of material will be divided as much as 70% which will focus on entrepreneurship career development classes while 30 percent is for personal development

The Cakap Upskill launching event was conducted online and attended by various experts such as facilitators in innovation and entrepreneurship UI, Avanti Fontana, Ph.D., CF, CC; CEO of Legal Contracts, Rieke Caroline; DISRUPTO partner and CEO, Gupta Sitorus, Country Manager of Cambridge University Press Indonesia, Vusuf Seto, Cakap CEO, Tomy Yunus and guided by Agustin Ramli.
Avanti Fontana, a facilitator in the innovation and entrepreneurship of FEB University of Indonesia, said that the layoffs due to COVID-19 could actually create new business opportunities.
“Bappenas data also states that the open unemployment rate in Indonesia is 8.1% 9.2%. This figure increased compared to 2019 at 7.7% 9,196. Increasing entrepreneurial skills is needed because it can increase employment and reduce unemployment, “continued Avanti.
“From March to July, the service most preferred by Legal Contract customers is trademark registration.”Even the data from DKI, in fact, the figure is higher than last year,” said Rieke Caroline, CEO of Legal Contracts.
“Cakap is trying to be a bridge between job seekers and employers. We provide practical skills learning to meet the needs of a professional workforce so that our students can improve their competence and competitiveness. We also strive to empower individuals to become new job creators, “said Tomy Yunus, CEO of Cakap.
Cakap Hopes Their Platform can Motivate Users to Continue Improving Their Skills
“We provide practical skills learning to meet the needs of the professional workforce so that our users can improve their competence and competitiveness,” said Tomy Yunus, CEO of Cakap, quoted from the company’s official statement.
Through Cakap Upskill, students will feel motivated because they get direct and personal feedback and attention and because this live tutoring feature also builds open and clear communication between teachers and students.

“This live tutoring feature also builds open and clear communication between teachers and students,” Tomy said. During the pandemic, digital channels became the main choice for learning new skills. Internal company data shows, there is an increase in traffic up to 32 times compared to last year.
In addition, the foreign language live tutoring service provider company also feels motivated to anticipate future shifts in the employment map in Indonesia amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.