Collaborating with Many Startups, Telkom Presents Indonesia Bergerak

Limited Liability Company (PT) Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom) Tbk through Metra Digital Innovation (MDI) Ventures created an Indonesia Bergerak program to provide solutions to dealing with coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19).
Indonesia Bergerak is a website that provides up-to-date data on Covid-19 patient development data and their distribution areas. This website also provides important information about Covid-19 and how to prevent it which can be obtained through interactive chat media.

Not only that, but through this platform the public can also report various incidents that need to be submitted to be followed up by the government and the authorities.
Examples of things that can be reported are crowds, scarcity of medical equipment, and the need for emergency assistance for handling Covid-19 patients. The program that initially partnered with 4 startups built by Telkom, namely, Qiscus, Volantis, and Qlue is now also supported by several other startups.
Startup collaborates on Indonesia Bergerak by providing a chat bot platform, while Qiscus as a chat application provider provides a means of internal communication.
Then Volantis as a data processing provider (big data) presents data distribution Covid-19 and Qlue presents reporting features for citizens. Other service providers, the Alodokter application supports as a chat platform with doctors, while Paket.ID is a delivery service platform.
Not only that, but Opsigo also supports as an application to find out the availability of rooms in hospitals that can accommodate Covid-19 patients. Other support also came from the PrivyID application provider as a digital signature platform that helped the company’s operational processes in the “Work from Home” period.

Indonesia Bergerak Also cooperates with PMI
Telkom’s Strategic Portfolio Director, Achmad Sugiarto said that Indonesia Bergerak also cooperates with the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI). This was realized by providing a donated link to benefactors who wanted to participate in raising funds to support the eradication of Covid-19.
“Cooperation is also carried out with the Ministry of SOEs and the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) in presenting data references and reports related to the spread of Covid-19,” Achmad said. In a written statement received by, Achmad said that this effort could not be separated from the aim to break the chain of the spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia.
MDI Ventures Portfolio Director, Sandhy Widyasthana hopes that Indonesia Bergerak can help meet the information needs of all parties. It also can help the government and the public in making policies in their efforts to deal with Covid-19.
Sandhy revealed Indonesia Bergerak is a manifestation of the Telkom Group’s real contribution, MDI Ventures, and digital startup companies in Indonesia. “We are moving for the people of Indonesia. From Indonesia and for Indonesia,” Sandhy said.
Startup Users Surged during WFH
PrivyID, a provider of digital identity and signature solutions, claims its users have experienced a significant increase amid the corona outbreak.
PrivyID CEO Marshall Pribadi said, based on February to March, it recorded users up 350%. He added, before the Covid-19 pandemic PrivyID users only increased by 20% each month.

According to him, the surge occurred because not a few of the companies have implemented the Work From Home (WFH) system. “Based on the data, as many as 70% of users are domiciled in Greater Jakarta with an age range of 25-45 years. While outside Jabodetabek only 30%,” he said.
Until now PrivyId noted 350 companies have used the application. Because it is considered to have a chance, Marshall is optimistic that this year he will target 1,000 companies.
Marshall said, to achieve the target, his party would provide free PrivyID services to its users. He added, his party would aggressively campaign against the program. So, it is hoped that later not a few companies use PrivyID.