DokterSehat Startup Launches a Covid-19 Protection Service

The CEO and co-founder of DokterSehat, Indra Adam Darmawan said, he launched the Covid-19 Physician Protection service in early May 2020. Medindia is a health startup in Indonesia which is an official partner of the Ministry of Health (MOH), the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), and Task Force for the Acceleration of Covid-19 Handling.
Patients positive for the coronavirus or Covid-19 in Indonesia are still growing. Protecting yourself by maintaining a clean and healthy lifestyle and using personal protective equipment (PPE) alone is not enough. Make sure you also have extra protection for yourself, your family, and your loved ones.

“DokterSehat Covid-19 Protection Service is an initiative that we made together with insurance partners to help people protect themselves from the dangers of the Covid-19 pandemic in terms of health and finance,” Indra Adam Darmawan said in his press statement to, in Jakarta, Thursday (Thursday) 5/14/2020).
Indra added Covid-19 Protection is a form of cooperation between Health Physicians and Qoala and Family Takaful to provide accident protection and Covid-19. “This service is an effort so that people can get complete protection with cheap premiums,” he explained.
The Service Provides Compensation for Registered Participants
Registered participants are entitled to receive inpatient daily benefits, compensation for death due to accidents, compensation for death due to corona, reimbursement of Covid-19 examination fees if the results are positive, and compensation for lost income if participants are tested positive for Covid-19.
“The product offered by us is to provide the most complete compensation if a participant is infected with COVID-19, while other insurance only provides compensation for death,” Sugeng Purnomo, Head of Qoala’s Offline Business said.
Premium holders can benefit from these benefits by spending as little as IDR 50,000. There are five package options to choose from in the Counselor Health Protection service that can be tailored to your needs.
The cooperation established by DokterSehat, Qoala, and Takaful Indonesia is expected to ease the burden of costs that must be incurred by the community if infected with Covid-19.
“We hope this service can help the community to have complete Covid-19 protection from our partners at an affordable price,” Indra Adam Darmawan added.

DokterSehat Is One of Task Force for the Acceleration of COVID-19 Handling Partners
Task Force for the Acceleration of COVID-19 Handling has collaborated with telemedicine to provide free health consultation services, especially for people or patients who are isolating themselves at home because of corona asymptomatic or with only mild symptoms.
Arya revealed, at this time the Task Force was still looking for volunteer doctors who at times visited people who were doing independent isolation in this house. The doctors will still be equipped with personal protective equipment (PPE).
A total of 20 telemedicine service providers work together with the government in handling Covid-19, namely Gojek, Grab, Halodoc, SehatQ, GrabHealth, DokterSehat, MouDok and Mau Periksa, Link and Link Sehat, Klikdokter, YesDok, Sociomile and Ripple10, Alodokter, Prosehat, Perawatku, KlinikGO, Qlue, Docquity, Iykra, Jovee and Lifepack, and Eureka AI.
Government cooperation with telemedicine service providers is needed so that not all people infected with corona immediately go to and be treated in hospitals.

15 Million Indonesians Use Telemedicine Facilities
Task Force for the Acceleration of COVID-19 Handling noted that 15 million people are customers of start-up companies, which are expected to reduce the activities of residents outside the home.
“This has greatly helped reduce the number of patients coming to the hospital. Now we also hope that the telemedicine program can become a national priority program,” Doni Monardo, Chairman of the Task Force for the Acceleration of COVID-19 Handling said.
Consultation with doctors online is also a form of limiting the distance between individuals (physical distancing) to reduce the level of transmission of the corona Covid-19 virus.