DOOgether Invites Communities to Live Healthy Through These Programs

The gym and fitness industry is estimated to have a relatively high income potential in Indonesia reaching US $ 8.7 billion in 2030. However, Indonesia is currently still in the tier 3 position in the world gym and fitness industry. The increase is only around 0.12% per year.
Meanwhile, Indonesia’s healthy food market has also increased from 2013. Initially only US $ 6 million and in 2018 it had reached US $ 9.1 million. This shows that the Indonesian people are starting to realize the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
That’s why DOOgether CEO, Fauzan Gani, is optimistic that the gym and fitness industry market will rise to Tier 2 by 2030.

With DOOgether’s vision present as a Healthy Life Friend for everyone, Fauzan is currently adding several programs to reach out and improve the quality of a healthy lifestyle of the Indonesian people.
DOOFit and DOOFood, Two of DOOgether’s Flagship Services
Fauzan explained that Doofit, which is a sports class booking service through this application, has partnered with more than 200 fitness centers in Jabodetabek, Bandung and Bali.
This service includes more than 20,000 sports classes including yoga, boxing, cycling, pilates, barre, running, strength training, dancing, to recreational sports such as wall climbing, ice skating, and so on at the end of 2019.
These various types of sports are expected to facilitate the sporting preferences of Indonesian people and encourage them to stay healthy in a way that is preferred by the community.
The various types of sports are expected to facilitate the sporting preferences of Indonesian people and encourage them to stay healthy the way they like.
While DOOFOOD is a healthy marketplace catering service. This service can also help the community to choose and subscribe to a variety of healthy foods and drinks through the DOOgether application.
DOFOOD, which was inaugurated on August 21, 2019, has also partnered with more than 35 well-known healthy food and beverage merchants in Jabodetabek to start their healthy lives by regulating nutrition intake.

GoFitness Is Collaboration between DOOgether and Gojek
Doogether has also collaborated with Gojek to expand into the line of sports venue booking services under the name GoFitness. Fauzan believes that technology has a big role in facilitating people’s lives.
“GoFitness is one manifestation of the company’s active participation to improve the development of the sports and fitness industry in Indonesia,” explained Fauzan.
Head of Third Party Platform, Gojek Group, Sony Radhityo, said that this cooperation is the company’s response to the increasing trend of healthy lifestyles in urban communities.
This is also reflected in the Gojek application where since the beginning of 2019, there are more than 11,000 Goride users who use the service to travel to studios and fitness centers every month.
“We always explore with other partners a variety of services or products that do not yet exist in Gojek to reach wider customers,” he said, Wednesday (08/28/2019).

He added, the technology provided by Gojek then processes information about consumers’ healthy lifestyles to optimize and personalize products that fit each consumer’s preferences.
The Collaboration between the Two Startups is Purely a Partnership
“Cooperation between Gojek and Doogether is like uniting two universes. Later Gojek users who are not exposed to a healthy lifestyle can now access them on Gojek. Conversely, Doogether users also get various conveniences such as payments connected to Gopay, “said VP Corporate Communication Gojek Group, Kristy Nelwan.
He asserted the cooperation that exists between Gojek and Doogether is purely a partnership. Gojek did not invest or acquire the startup.
Fauzan is optimistic that the increase in the gym and fitness market will continue to increase in 2030 along with the demographic bonus. This is also driven by millennial awareness that is higher than the previous generation of a healthy lifestyle.