Easy Ways to Learn Big Data for Beginners

Do you want to know how to learn big data for beginners? Luckily, you have come to the right site. Considering the demand for big data nowadays, it can be a good idea to start learning this thing. Since conventional data analysis can’t afford the advent of massive data, this technology comes to play.

Big data can deal with considerably huge data, both unstructured and structured. However, the analytics part stays the same whether you are coping with small datasets, immense datasets, or even unstructured datasets. What needed the most is the capability to draw relevant information from the amounts of various data.
Once you learn further about big data analytics, you will know that this technology has a lot of real-world use cases. When you are still wondering how to learn big data for beginners, many famous beginners have used this technology to achieve massive success nowadays.
So, do you still want to wait for a miracle to start learning data big? Data big analytics is beneficial to various industries. It can support companies to get better risk management, marketing strategy, and many other benefits. Now, keep on reading to learn further.
Why You Should Learn Big Data
To convince you more, there are some good reasons to learn big data. Big data resembles golden goose for IT professionals. The more skillful you are in technology related to big data, the more you tend to receive a higher paycheck. And here are the other reasons why you should learn big data for beginners.

- The exponential increase of big data market
The big data market is supposed to grow exponentially around the world. With the growth of smart devices nowadays, the big data revolution is expected to continue until several years ago. That’s why it is a good idea to learn it now instead of waiting for another turn.
- Top enterprises adopt it
Since the market competition is getting more and more stiffen, many top enterprises start to adopt big data technologies to recognize new market chances. They consider big data analytics as a crucial element of business performance. More interestingly, it can be adopted in various departments including product innovation and marketing.
- Better career opportunities
If you wonder why you should learn big data for beginners, better career opportunities are one of the good reasons. We can say that this is one of the most motivating reasons to learn further about big data. Nowadays, more and more organizations seek for professional big data analysts.

What to Know before Becoming Big Data Analytics
Before becoming big data analysts, you may wonder what skills are needed to start with. Programming is the first and foremost skill needed. To deal with big data, it is better to be very familiar with coding. This is because big data is still in the phase of evolution.
While struggling to achieve your career as big data analysts, take your time to learn a variety of programming languages. While you learn big data for beginners, improve your skills in Python, C++, R, Java, SQL, Ruby, Hive, Weka, MATLAB, Julia, SAS, and other languages.
Moreover, skill in data warehousing is typically needed too. In this case, you have to be familiar with relational as well as non-relational database systems. This means you should have experience in Oracle, Mysql, Cassandra, Teradata, CouchDB, MongoDB, and other frameworks. A good understanding will be helpful too.

It is recommended to know quantitative aptitude and statistics. While the procedures of big data call for massive use of technology, basics to any data analysis is a must. In this case, you should have a good knowledge of linear algebra and statistics. It will be useful to help you learn big data for beginners.
Tips to Start Learning Big Data for Beginners
Then, what should we do to start learning? If you are a complete beginner, consider starting from the introduction to big data. You should learn everything about their types, characters, and examples. Since basic understanding is important, don’t move to the next stage before you understood it fully.
After that, you can find out about big data tools and techniques. Hadoop is known as the most popular big data tools nowadays. If you decide to learn this framework, understanding the architecture, components, and ecosystem will be a good start. You can start finding the tutorial too.
In this case, you can find a tutorial about how to install HDFS and figure out how it works. You can also find other tricks on how to learn big data for beginners. If you still don’t know where to start, you may need to try some courses available online.

Free Online Courses to Learn Big Data
Fortunately, there are some good courses that you can take to learn big data. You can start with some free online courses first before joining further lessons. For example, you can join the Setup Big Data Development Environment by Udemy to understand big data technologies. And here are the other free online courses.
- Hadoop Starter Kit
Hadoop Starter Kit by Udemy is one of the best courses to take. This course explains everything you need to know about this big data framework. The explanation includes Map Reduce, Hive, HDFS, Apache Pig, etc. This course is one of the good sources to learn big data for beginners.

- Scala and Spark – Get Started
If you want to learn Apache Spark, a course by Udemy covering this theme will be great to get started. In this course, you can learn how to arrange a development environment for creating a Spark application utilizing Scala with IntelliJIDEA. It also covers an easy tutorial to install Java, Apache Spark, and IntelliJIDEA.
In conclusion, there must be no hesitation to learn big data. With the market which is growing bigger and the demand for professional big data analysts, it must be great to get started. You can start by joining some free courses on the internet. That’s all the easy ways to learn big data for beginners.