Ed-tech Startup, HarukaEDU, Launched HR Training Platform

Intending to participate in educating the children of Indonesia, HarukaEDU continues to innovate through technology-based education by launching CorporateEDU, a new platform for training company employees. Besides, HarukaEDU worked with Samator Group as the first company to use its services.
The CEO of HarukaEDU, Novistiar Rustandi said that CorporateEDU was created to help companies and institutions to improve their abilities and expertise through technology-based training. “The point is we are proud to introduce CorporateEDU as an effective and efficient high-tech solution to address this challenge,” he said.

Various institutions can use this platform to develop and train their human resources. CorporateEDU was made specifically to meet the needs of companies and institutions, as well as complementing the lifelong learning portal that was previously owned, www.pintaria.com. This portal focused on developing education for individuals.
Uniquely, CorporateEDU can be accessed through websites and mobile applications. Of course, something like online learning is nothing new for today’s companies. “Aside from preparing the Learning Management System, we also offer curriculum designs, specific digital materials, and provide motivation to employees,” she said.
HarukaEDU Has Previously Partnered with Some Universities in Indonesia
Novistiar added that in every partnership with institutions and companies, HarukaEDU not only offers applications or digital materials but also prepare full online learning programs and learning methods. Meanwhile, Samator Group’s Director of Risk, Technology, and Compliance, Imelda Harsono, believes this platform is the right solution for the company.
The company she manages has done a lot of training for employees with high budgets, but it is inefficient. “Our employees need to go to a training location that is far away sometimes. However, with this platform employees can simply log in to the platform,” she said.

With the platform, employees can also run it at a time that is convenient for them. There are even live sessions that they can participate remotely. “HarukaEDU not only helps us design learning content but also digitizes existing material and makes it interactive and interesting to do online,” Imelda added.
Before launching the CorporateEDU platform, HarukaEDU has long been recognized as one of the leading startups in conducting training and lectures for individuals both fully online and mixed learning. HarukaEDU has collaborated with more than 15 universities in 7 major cities in Indonesia.
Some of the HarukaEDU’s previous partners include the Bandung Harapan Bangsa Institute of Technology (ITHB), London School of Public Relations (LSPR), PPM School of Management, Al-Azhar University, Krisnadwipayana University, Muhammadiyah University Jakarta, MH Thamrin University, Pembangunan Jaya University, and Sahid University.
Samator Group Becomes the First Company to Use CorporateEDU Platform
Samator Group is the first company to use the platform. Digital Learning Platform designed by HarukaEDU along with Samator Group has many features such as My Learning. This feature is a forum for employees to access training materials that must be taken by each employee according to the career path.
HarukaEDU started the ed-tech business by offering a complete solution for universities to organize online lectures. This has directly succeeded in increasing the active participation of students and providing effective solutions in conducting online lectures. This program opens wider access to quality education with flexible and cost-effective learning methods.

“We offer technology that supports the implementation of training in companies with the same quality as face-to-face training, but with 50 percent more efficient in terms of time and cost. Our partner company can save hundreds of millions of rupiah per year through our services,” Novistiar said.
In 2020, HarukaEDU through Pintaria.com will also focus on vocational training programs. HarukaEDU’s commitment is to increase the ability (up-skill) and knowledge of Indonesia’s millennial generation in preparing themselves to face the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era. “We want to create an ecosystem of sustainable learning or life-long learning,” Novistiar concluded.