eFishery Invites Millennials to Enter the Aquaculture Industry

eFishery, startup companies in the field of aquaculture technology, collaborate with young people or millennials to actively participate in building the aquaculture industry. This is an effort to open up opportunities for massive job creation.
The aquaculture industry is considered to still have a number of challenges in Indonesia, including issues of feed efficiency and access to capital and markets.
The various unfavorable conditions are also claimed to have reduced the interest of entrepreneurs to be involved in this sector, especially the younger generation.

In collaboration with Merdeka Campus, such as Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and Brawijaya University (Unbraw), eFishery through the eFishery Academy invites students and all parties to participate in building a sustainable aquaculture ecosystem in the country.
“The aquaculture industry in Indonesia is growing rapidly, but not many young people are involved in it because this sector is still constrained in terms of access to feed, capital, and markets,” said Chief of Staff and Co-Founder of eFishery, Chrisna Aditya, quoted from Antara, Tuesday (Tuesday). 24/8/2021).
Chief of Staff and Co-Founder of eFishery, Chrisna Aditya said it was important to involve students, scientists, and all those who have experience and interest in aquaculture, including inviting young people to be actively involved in this sector to encourage the transfer of knowledge across generations.
“This is to ensure the sustainability and sustainability of the aquaculture ecosystem,” said Chrisna through her press statement, Tuesday (24/8/2021).
There are Three Programs in eFishery Academy
He explained the three programs offered by eFishery Academy, the first being Aqua-Scientist which lasted for 2-4 weeks.
Where participants learn more about research methods and collect data and information needed to advance the aquaculture industry.
Second, the Aqua-Troops program with a duration of 3-6 months, in which the Squads are active in the daily operations of the eFishery business and work on final projects that are able to bring innovation to encourage the advancement of the aquaculture sector.
Third, the Aqua-Preneur program for 6-12 months, the Squad will be directly involved in the daily life of cultivators and apply their knowledge to reduce problems faced by cultivators in the field.

The First Participant of eFishery Academy has been Chosen
After the project is completed, participants are given the opportunity to present the project and at the end of the program are evaluated and receive a certificate as proof of having followed the entire process.
“Indonesia is the second-largest aquaculture producer in the world after China, and Indonesia currently has one of the largest youth populations in the world, around 26 percent of its total 260 million population, approximately 68 million people,” said Chrisna.
More than 600 participants from 125 cities/districts throughout Indonesia have registered, and as many as 137 participants have been selected as the first batch of eFishery Academy.
In addition to getting certificates and pocket money, participants also get credits (SKS) that can be used to complete lecture credits.
eFishery Academy also has long-term goals, namely increasing technology adoption for fish farmers, creating jobs, supporting food security, and improving nutrition in Indonesia, as well as improving the welfare of fish farmers.
Opening Opportunities for Job Creation in Indonesia
“A third of young Indonesians want to become entrepreneurs. Through eFishery Academy, we want to create more aqua-preneurs and thus open up job opportunities, especially in rural areas,” he said.

Chrisna also explained that eFishery Academy opens up massive job creation opportunities. Because the aquaculture industry is growing faster than any other animal-based food sector in the world.
“The catch rate of marine fish tends to stagnate, the growth is only three percent, compared to aquaculture which grew 21 percent over the last six years. The prospect of this industry is getting brighter because the potential is huge,” he said.
According to him, eFishery Academy also has long-term goals, namely increasing technology adoption for fish farmers, creating jobs, supporting food security and improving nutrition in Indonesia, as well as improving the welfare of fish farmers.