Ekosis Startup Helps Bappenas to Hold UMKM Training

In order to solve this problem, Collaboration of Community and Services for Welfare (KOMPAK) with the Ministry of National Development Planning of the Republic of Indonesia/the National Development Planning Agency and local governments are collaborating with the agribusiness startup Ekosis and the banking sector to provide access to assistance and financing for MSMEs.
The lack of consultation and mentoring services for business actors as well as the lack of access to information and government program policies, has made the added value of products of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) still low.

Ekosis Bussiness Development Specialist, Felicia Yulie Mills, said that until now the training had been carried out in several regions in Indonesia, from West Aceh District, Pemalang, Pekalongan, Bantaeng, to North Lombok.
“This effort is made for the sake of realizing the welfare of agribusiness actors in Indonesia. In this case, Ekosis is ready to help holistically, from the point of view of marketing, logistics, consulting, product quality management, to capital,” Felicia said in his statement, Wednesday (28/4 / 2021).
Director of Small, Medium Enterprise and Cooperative Development at the Ministry of National Development Planning / Bappernas, Ahmad Dading Gunadi, hopes that market mediation with supporting ecosystems can increase the economic value of products and businesses through market certainty, logistics efficiency, and opening access to finance.
4 Maximum Output from the Training
With the efforts to develop UMKM, it is hoped that it can achieve maximum output, including:
1. The national entrepreneurship ratio reaches 3.95 percent
2. The ratio of MSME credit to total bank credit is 22 percent
3. The contribution of MSMEs to total non-oil and gas exports reaches 30 percent
4. The contribution of MSMEs to GDP touches 65 percent.
For MSMEs that have not participated in this training, according to Felicia, they can directly access the Ekosis service by downloading the application on the Play Store.

Not only providing a forum for buying and selling domestic agribusiness products, but Ekosis also provides Capital Services to make it easier for users to access loans from providers that are official and registered with the OJK.
Some of them are Investree, Crowdo, and Asakita. Users of this app can also connect directly with Quality Management Services (training & consulting) to improve product quality through trusted institutions.
Consumers (companies / agricultural industries, hotels, restaurants, cafes) can get products at a lower price so that it is profitable for all parties.
Users also don’t need to worry about logistics anymore because shipping, warehousing, and cold storage services can be selected directly via the Ekosis application/website.
Previously, Training Held in Aceh
Welcoming the digitalization of business in Indonesia, central and regional government agencies are increasingly collaborating with startups in the field of digital technology.
In the agribusiness sector, the Ekosis application is staying as one of the solutions to solve domestic agribusiness problems.
“This application helps from marketing, quality management, logistics, production facilities, to capital,” said Felicia Yulie Mills as Business Development Specialist for Ekosis in her statement, Friday (26/3/2021).
He said, even in the midst of a pandemic, we are optimistic to encourage digital marketing of agri products through Ekosis.

Moreover, this application provides a Product Quality Management feature so that users can carry out consultations, training, to certification, in order to improve product quality and adjust to market demand.
In the workshop held by the West Aceh District Government, also attended by the Director of Cooperative Development and UKM Bappenas and the Head of the Branch of Bank Syariah Indonesia Kab. West Aceh.
A number of representatives of community business groups were given training, ranging from the Essential Agriculture Business Group, Fisheries, Wicker, Coconut Shell Crafts, Charcoal Briquettes, to the VCO Oil Business Group.