Farmaku Acquires DokterSehat to Improve Quality and Service Range

Digital health is one of the sectors that is experiencing rapid development, including in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Considering this, Farmaku (PT Solusi Sarana Sehat) acquired DokterSehat (PT Media Kesehatan Indonesia).
Farmaku is a pharmaceutical eCommerce that provides medicines, health care products, and beauty products. Throughout 2020, Farmaku claims to have scored a 4-fold increase in transactions.
As for Healthcare Doctor, it is a company that provides health articles, health consultations, and makes appointments with doctors and hospitals. Since its establishment in 2016 until now, DokterSehat claims to have served more than 180 million users.

Farmaku has previously collaborated with DokterSehat, so this strategic merger is expected to provide more comprehensive health services to the Indonesian people. The hope of this acquisition is that it can complement the wider ecosystem in terms of transactional and providing health information in Indonesia.
“Farmaku has previously collaborated with DokterSehat, so this strategic merger is expected to provide more comprehensive health services to the Indonesian people,” said Iswandi Simardjo as CEO of Farmaku.
Improved Quality and Range of Services
Meanwhile, Indra Adam Darmawan, who previously was the CEO of DokterSehat, hopes that the acquisition can complement the wider ecosystem in terms of transactions and provision of health information in Indonesia. After the acquisition, Indra assumed the role of CMO at Farmaku.
Farmaku in the future plans to improve the quality and range of services. So far, both Farmaku and DokterSehat will continue to provide health services on the previously available portal. In other words, users will still be able to access both platforms as usual.

“Users will still be able to access Farmaku and DokterSehat platforms as usual,” said Indra Adam Darmawan, CEO of DokterSehat, who is now CMO Farmaku, in a written statement, Saturday (19/12/2020).
The merger of the two business fields can certainly bring Farmaku’s position to be more developed in the digital health industry. Users are expected to be able to get online health services easier, more practically, and more fully.
Startup Farmaku Provides Independent Rapid Test is a startup platform engaged in the online Pharmacy, Pharmacy, Health, and Beauty sector in Indonesia, providing an independent Rapid Test at Home program, regardless of location. Independent Rapid Test can be done at home without having to queue.
Farmaku and PT Danpac Farma, as the official distributor of Rapid Test kits in Indonesia, also guarantee the authenticity and officiality of the Rapid Test Kits which will be marketed to the public.
This program is based on Farmaku and Danpac Farma’s concern for the national security alert for COVID-19 and encourages the public to care about the importance of checking their personal health in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic in Indonesia.

Iswandi Simardjo, explained that Farmaku is ready to distribute to the public, especially those in the Jakarta area, to be able to carry out their own Rapid Test themselves so that people no longer need to leave the house.
For distribution, Farmaku collaborates with GrabExpress as a distribution partner. For the Jakarta area that is included in the scope of the GrabExpress instant courier.
“We provide free shipping, with a special code RAPIDTEST. This free shipping is provided for the safety and convenience of the community in purchasing a rapid test kit. This rapid test kit can be sent throughout Indonesia to reach all levels of society,” he said.
Meanwhile, DokterSehat has previously collaborated with Qoala to provide protection against Covid-19. Indra Adam Darmawan, CEO & Co-Founder DokterSehat said this service is a company initiative created together with insurance partners to help people protect themselves from the dangers of the Covid-19 pandemic in terms of health and finances.