Good Doctor with Jakarta Government to Launch PSBB OK! Program

Good Doctor Technology Indonesia (Good Doctor) together with the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta today launched the PSBB OK! (Special Promo BeBas Postage!) As an initiative to support the smooth implementation of the second phase of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) in DKI Jakarta and to make it easier for people to get integrated health services while staying at home.
The DKI Jakarta Health Office recorded active cases of COVID-19 in DKI reaching 57,796 people as of September 21, 2020, making it one of the provinces with the highest COVID-19 cases in Indonesia.

To anticipate an increase in cases in DKI Jakarta, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has taken an emergency step by re-implementing the second batch of PSBB since September 14, 2020. The press conference for the Launching of the PSBB OK! by Good Doctor and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government which was held virtually from City Hall.
“We welcome the support given by Good Doctor to actively participate in ensuring the smooth running of the PSBB in the DKI Jakarta area. We see that telemedicine services have played a role in overcoming the problem of distance and access to health services during the pandemic,” said Suharti, Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta’s Population and Settlement Control.
Also attending the virtual press conference, Widyastuti, Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Office, who represented the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in receiving a donation of 50,000 surgical masks from Good Doctor. This donation is a form of Good Doctor’s concern for the noble task that medical personnel carry as the vanguard of handling COVID-19.
“We are grateful to Good Doctor who has supported DKI Jakarta medical personnel by donating 50,000 surgical masks through the PSBB OK!. We also invite the public to remain vigilant and disciplined to comply with the PSBB regulations,” said Widyastuti, Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Office.
It Is a Form of Good Doctor’s Support to the Government
Although the community is encouraged to stay at home during the PSBB period, the community’s need for safe, comfortable, access, and health consultation with a team of professional doctors must continue to be facilitated.
Danu Wicaksana, Managing Director, Good Doctor Technology Indonesia, expressed the form of Good Doctor’s support to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in facilitating the public with easy access to health for the success of the second batch of PSBB.

“Through this program, we want to invite the people of DKI Jakarta to contribute in efforts to reduce the number of positive cases of COVID-19 in Jakarta by utilizing the PSBB OK! and still adhere to health protocols initiated by the government,” said Danu Wicaksana, Managing Director of Good Doctor Technology Indonesia.
Can be Used for a Whole Month
The community can take advantage of the PSBB OK! program from 22 September 2020 to 22 October 2020 by accessing the GrabHealth powered by Good Doctor service on the GRAB application. Some of the special programs offered by PSBB OK! is a free shipping facility for all health products for all residents of DKI Jakarta.
There are also discounts of up to 50% for vitamin products and maternal and child products, and special prices for purchasing medical masks. This program applies to purchases via instant delivery by Grab Bike driver-partners who come from pharmacy partners in DKI Jakarta as well as through regular package delivery.

When making a payment, the delivery fee will automatically be IDR 0 or free. Not only that, Good Doctor and DKI Jakarta Provincial Government also collaborated in providing information and socialization related to the development of COVID-19.
The program called the #JakartaTanggapCorona public education activity on the Good Doctor and DKI Jakarta Provincial Government communication channels. This educational effort which is also part of the PSBB OK program will start today to provide access to precise and accurate health information for DKI Jakarta residents.