Grab Vaccine Center Banten Provides Drive-Thru and Walk-in Vaccination

After the opening of the Covid-19 vaccination service center in Bali, Grab and Good Doctor collaborated again to open a similar service in Banten. This service allows vaccination participants to vaccinate using a drive-thru system using cars, motorbikes and walk-ins. The target is that this service can vaccinate at least 5,000 people in two days.
The priority of vaccine recipients is the elderly and public workers in the transportation sector. The pre-registration, scheduling and data management process for vaccination will utilize GrabHealth’s digital infrastructure and technology with the support of Good Doctor, who partners with the government to ensure efficient vaccination implementation.

“Hand in hand with a strong spirit of mutual cooperation in fighting Covid-19 will hasten the end of this pandemic,” said President of Grab Indonesia, Ridzki Kramadibrata. Meanwhile, Managing Director of Good Doctor Technology Indonesia, Danu Wicaksana, assessed that the acceleration of the vaccination process is important to restore the social and economic activities of the community.
“In particular, we also provide an online registration process for vaccination participants as well as a pre-screening feature for the elderly in the Grab application and the Good Doctor application, so as to reduce crowds and minimize cases of cancellation or delay at the vaccination site,” said Danu.
The Banten Province Grab Vaccine Center will be present at the ICE BSD Exhibition Hall 10. The implementation period starts March 13-14, 2021 for the first batch and April 10-11, 2021 for the second batch.
Registration and Screening
Vaccines are provided by the Ministry of Health and will be available for the elderly and public workers in the transportation sector who meet the requirements of the National Vaccination Program Phase 2. Elderly residents in Banten Province who are interested in being vaccinated at the Grab Vaccine Center must register by filling out the online form available at GrabHealth.
Vaccination schedule information will be available once registration is confirmed. The management of the vaccination center by Grab and Good Doctor is focused on operational excellence in controlling the vaccination implementation traffic.

The Drive-Thru method at the Grab Vaccine Center aims to complement the commonly used Walk-In vaccination method. Vaccine recipients who enter the Drive-Thru Grab Vaccine Center area will go through a screening first to ensure that they meet the criteria for vaccine recipients.
Then, cars and motorbikes that pass this stage will be directed to one of the open routes for the registration process, vaccinations to be carried out by doctors and nurses from the Banten Provincial Health Office, and observation. Vaccine recipients will get a vaccination certificate issued by the BPJS before leaving the location.
Grab Vaccination Center in Bali
For information, the Grab Vaccination Center in Bali successfully vaccinated 5,492 Balinese residents with a target of 109.84 percent of the target of 5,000 vaccine injections in just six days, faster than the previously set target of seven days. The Minister of Health, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, also appreciated the steps taken for the collaboration between Grab and Good Doctor.
“We appreciate Grab and Good Doctor for their ongoing commitment to support the National Vaccination Program through the Grab Vaccine Center,” he said at the inauguration at the Grab Vaccine Center, Saturday (13/3/2021).

Minister of Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia and Head of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro, said that research and innovation will play an important role in overcoming this global pandemic.
Accelerating innovation through collaboration between sectors like this is very important to reduce the spread of the virus in Indonesia. The Grab Vaccine Center founded by Grab and Good Doctor is a solid combination of innovation, use of data-driven technology and operational excellence.
“Organizing the implementation of a vaccination program is a huge task that requires comprehensive planning and design, as well as careful management, and Grab and Good Doctor are able to make this happen through innovation and technological approaches.”