Health Application Services are on High Demand due to Coronavirus

Corona pandemic which is increasingly troubling has made several health applications increasingly widespread to be used by the community, some of which are Halodoc, Alodokter, and Good Doctor Technology Indonesia.
Through these three applications, the public is given a variety of service options that can connect with medical services, both consultations, and appointments to the purchase and delivery of drugs.
The high number of visits and interactions between medical services and the community through this application, no doubt make these three health startups coupled by two on-demand service giants, Gojek and Grab.

The collaboration created is to include health startup services with services from Gojek and Grab. Here are some services from three health startups, which can be utilized by the community during the current corona pandemic.
Halodoc Collaborated With Gojek to Present the Covid-19 Online Consultation
Responding to the corona pandemic, Halodoc has collaborated with Gojek and the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), to intensify the mass coronavirus examination or rapid test.
Through this collaboration, Gojek and Halodoc released the Check Covid-19 online consultation service (telemedicine), with the support of 20,000 doctors who are members of the Halodoc ecosystem.
The Covid-19 Check service is available in the form of a shuffle card in the Gojek application and users can consult the most experienced health symptoms and do a self-assessment or independent examination related to the coronavirus.
If there is a suspicion of being infected with the coronavirus, the doctor will ask the user to apply insulation at home. Meanwhile, the prescribed medication will be delivered by Gojek to the user’s home.

Besides being present at Gojek, Halodoc also offers four main features on its platform. First, Ask the Doctor, which is a consultation feature for general practitioners and specialists online.
Second, Buy Medicines, which is a feature to buy drugs and vitamins, collaborate with Gojek as a partner to deliver drug orders through the GoMed feature. Transactions for drug purchases are made through GoPay.
Third, the Hospital, which is the feature of making appointments with hospitals and doctors who want to go online. Fourth, the feature to make an appointment with the intended specialist doctor.
Alodokter with 4 Major Features for Its Users
Furthermore, Alodokter, which also has four main service features on its platform, namely Chat with Doctors, where Alodokter users can conduct consultations related to their health problems. Second, the Health Articles feature, which allows users to access various articles about health for free.
Suci said there were 350 thousand articles made by writers that had been verified by doctors and her team. Third, the Search Hospital feature. Users can book consultation and treatment sessions directly at the desired hospital.
Co-founder of Alodokter Suci Arumsari revealed until now there have been 450 hospitals that partner with Alodokter in Indonesia. Through this feature, users can create a treatment schedule without worrying about long queues at the hospital, as well as seeing the estimated cost of treatment at the hospital and the specialist doctors to be addressed.
Fourth, the Protection feature, which is insurance with inpatient compensation benefits of Rp. 1 million per night, with a maximum cost of Rp. 30 million a year.

Good Doctor Technology Indonesia
Finally, Good Doctor Technology Indonesia (GDTI) coupled by Grab through the GrabHealth feature, which is accessed through the Grab service and selects the “Health” icon, then selects the service to be used.
GrabHealth itself has four services, including consulting, purchasing drugs and products, making medical appointments, and health tips. Of the four services, only the purchase of drugs that require users to pay, while other services are free of charge.
In the online health question and answer service, users can consult with professional and certified doctors. Users can talk for a few minutes via chat, voice call or video call.
The company uses information sources from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) in responding to questions and answers from users.