Indonesia is Positive of Coronavirus, Halodoc Transactions Doubled

After the announcement of two Depok residents infected with the coronavirus, people flocked to buy health masks to vitamins. Transactions on the Halodoc platform also doubled. The startup in the health sector noted, herbal medicines to boost immunity and increased vitamins.
“The increase has almost doubled the total for transactions at Halodoc during the week,” Halodoc Vice Communications Marketing Vice President Felicia Kawilarang told, Friday (6/3). The company can monitor the increase in demand. Therefore, Halodoc can immediately ask the partner pharmacy to increase the stock of products that are running low.

Halodoc claimed the stock of vitamins, hand sanitizers, and health masks was safe and guaranteed a cheaper price compared to the market. Currently, the company is attracting 1,800 pharmacies. In addition to products, Halodoc noted the increasing demand for consulting services.
Therefore, the company increased the number of doctors who provided 24-hour services. At least 22 thousand doctors work together with Halodoc. “We see, the highest interest is parents, who have small children,” Felicia said.
Previously, GoPay SVP Marketing Timothius Martin estimated that health service transactions using GoPay payments had increased. As is known, Halodoc entered the Gojek ecosystem.
“The health services available in the Gojek, Halodoc and several other partners are likely to increase (transactions),” said Timothius in Jakarta, yesterday (5/3).
The Use of Health Applications is Predicted to Increase Due to Coronavirus
Chairman of the Indonesian E-Commerce Association (idEA) Ignatius Untung also briefly conveyed, startup services in the health sector will be increasingly used in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak. Therefore, the transaction will increase.
In Indonesia, there are several health startups such as Halodoc, Alodokter, Prixa, GoApotik, and others “When there are people who have slight flu, then worry and panic because they think they are infected with the coronavirus, they immediately ask the doctor through the application,” Ignatius said.
Conversely, investment in startups sharing a ride (ride-hailing) to e-commerce is predicted to be affected by co-19. Because people will be more careful about buying goods through online platforms or using public transportation.

Halodoc Has Alerted 20,000 Doctors to Coronavirus
Halodoc has alerted up to 20 thousand doctors who have been given an official protocol for managing coronavirus risk (COVID-19) in the application ecosystem.
Based on official information received by ANTARA on Friday, official protocols applied include the introduction of clinical symptoms, recommendations for further treatment, to referral hospitals appointed by the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) for Corona treatment.
“All general practitioners in the Halodoc ecosystem are equipped with qualified capabilities in providing initial diagnoses and differential diagnoses,” said Halodoc VP of Marketing Felicia Kawilarang.
This Health Startup Also Provides Education Regarding Coronavirus
At Halodoc there is the education of general clinical symptoms that are usually characterized by fever of more than 38 degrees Celsius, sore throat, cough, runny nose, nasal congestion, thick phlegm, shortness of breath, pulmonary infections, diarrhea, nausea/vomiting, to muscle aches.

She added that Halodoc will immediately refer users who need further observations to the hospitals that are already collaborating with the Ministry of Health. Furthermore, Halodoc claims that the number of searches for the ‘coronavirus’ keyword on the Halodoc platform has increased by up to six times, coupled with requests for masks to endurance supplements.
The demands for masks and immune supplements increased significantly after two people were stated positive of coronavirus. Felicia also revealed that Halodoc will continue to improve their technology ecosystem to provide adequate facilities for users to anticipate the risk of coronavirus.
Previously, the government through the Indonesian Ministry of Health had provided a 24-hour contact hotline for the public, following the findings of two positive cases in Indonesia.