KitaLulus Collaborates with the Ministry of PANRB and BKN

To support self and mental readiness of those who want to pursue a career as a State Civil Apparatus (ASN), edutech startup KitaLulus will hold the CPNS & CPPPK Online Expo 2021 on July 31 – August 1, 2021, with the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia (Ministry of PANRB ) and BKN.
The government recently opened registration for the 2021 CPNS and CPPPK selections from June 30 to July 26, 2021 through the official website of the State Civil Service Agency (BKN).

The tight competition for CPNS seats is increasingly felt because the demand for CPNS registration is always high. BKN noted that until July 22, 2021 at 15:34, the number of registrants who filled out the form had exceeded 3,694,044.
There are 2,687,874 applicants who have registered. Seeing this enthusiasm, of course, the CPNS fighters need to prepare themselves better and mature so that they can compete and pass all stages of the CPNS selection.
Salamah, Head of CPNS and PPPK, KitaLulus said this virtual event was part of the company’s commitment and support for CPNS fighters to be able to pursue their careers as State Civil Apparatus (ASN).
“It’s time for the private sector and the government to work together to produce a CASN that is highly competent, has high integrity and professionalism,” said Salamah in a statement, Monday (26/7/2021).
“We believe that careful preparation from an early age will be able to help them qualify for a series of selection stages,” he continued.
Webinars and Online Classes
In the event, KitaLulus will present the Minister of PANRB, Tjahjo Kumolo and the Head of BKN, Bima Haria Wibisana who will be speakers in the Grand Webinar with the topic ‘Career Opportunities as a State Civil Apparatus (ASN)’.
There is also an exclusive online class session that will be mentored by Salamah, the author of 35 major books, including 4x bestseller books for CPNS and PPPK.
This online class will discuss the 2021 SKD/Competency grid material, as well as a discussion of the most difficult questions and the ‘Ask PNS’ session where participants can ask anything about PNS, CPNS and CPPPK directly to Kemendikbud and Kemenkumham employees.

At the CPNS & CPPPK Online Expo 2021, KitaLulus will also launch a total scholarship of Rp. 100 million for KitaLulus students who pass the Basic Competency Selection (SKD) with applicable terms and conditions.
This scholarship is given to help KitaLulus users who pass the Basic Competency Selection exam in preparation for the Field Ability exam to pass the CPNS selection. This way, students are able to realize their professional dreams as a civil servants.
Providing Classes with the Best Teachers
KitaLulus provides the best teachers who are also authors of best-selling CPNS book. This startup also provides the affordable prices for more than 3 thousands questions to study with the support of effective technology. It is hoped that students will be better prepared to face the selection of CPNS and PPPK in 2021.
“Students from all over Indonesia can prepare themselves by studying with our experienced tutors. KitaLulus students are proven to have a higher potential for passing ASN selection rates than other students,” explained the Head of the CPNS and PPPK KitaLulus Salamah.

Especially in this month of Ramadan, KitaLulus initiated the #BerbagiKebaikan initiative program where students can take free CPNS practice questions and Try-Outs and have the opportunity to get smartphones for students with the highest scores.
In addition, students can also conduct interactive questions and answers with KitaLulus alumni, listen directly to the experience of facing CPNS selection, prepare documents, question materials to be tested, to tips and tips from KitaLulus alumni.