Minister of Industry Launches Startup4Industry 2020 to Support Economic

Minister of Industry, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, said Indonesia is a potential market for investors to invest in Indonesian startups. According to the Global startup ecosystem report in 2020, Indonesia is ranked second in the top 100 emerging ecosystems.
This shows that the startup ecosystem in Indonesia has been formed through the participation of the private sector, academics, and government. “Indonesia is one of the countries that investors are interested in investing in startups in Indonesia. It also shows that Indonesia is a potential market for digital technology,” said Agus at the Startup4Industry Press Conference, Wednesday (14/10/2020).
He continued since 2018 making Indonesia 4.0 through Startup4Industry has been launched by the President as an industrial transformation initiative by implementing technology. So the Ministry of Industry has made various efforts to encourage the implementation of this technology.

“This includes building the so-called innovation and human resource development center for Industry 4.0 which is planned to be built in the Permata Hijau Jakarta area. Where this will help the development of startups in industry 4.0, “he said.
In addition, the Ministry of Industry has implemented industrial 4.0 pilot projects, training in industry 4.0 transformation managers, socialization and seminars on 4.0, assessment and mentoring 4.0, iSmart IKM, and Startup4Industry programs.
According to him, industry 4.0 requires a startup role as an implementer and as a problem solver to realize industry 4.0, for that, through the technology solution ecosystem formed by Startup4Industry, he believes that he will support the realization of the industrial ecosystem 4.0.
“We believe that startups can help create, for example, a digital-based national logistics system, startups can bridge the supply and demand side. This is a function of startups, which will create a multiplayer effect that has positive social and economic impacts on society,” he concluded.
Startup4Industry 2020 to Support National Economic Recovery
The Ministry of Industry re-launched Startup Tech Provider 4 Industry 2020 (Startup4Industry). This is the Making Indonesia 4.0 movement with technological solutions from Indonesian tech startups to create a technology solution ecosystem made by the nation’s children.
The Minister of Industry, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, said that the industry can rush to reach various market potentials, especially new market potentials that will emerge in order to excel in competition. So innovation and technology are very important keys to be presented in the midst of an industry, one of which is through the role of startups as technology providers.

“Our efforts in this substitution are expected not only to touch on the sector or on the product but also with regard to the use of technology itself,” said Agus at the Startup4Industry Press Conference, Wednesday (14/10/2020).
So that efforts to socialize and promote technology owned by the nation’s children through the theme of the Startup4Industry 2020 program, so Indonesia is confident and domestic technology is right as an effort to reduce the impact of the pandemic through the use of technology itself.
In addition, the Government has also established a national economic recovery policy aimed at protecting, maintaining, and enhancing the economic capacity of the community.
Take Advantage of Opportunities in the Midst of the Pandemic
Third, create an Indonesia that is growing and transforming, in order to take advantage of opportunities in the midst of a pandemic and uncertainty which of course has to do with the use of technology.

In line with digital transformation efforts, the need for technological innovation in society and industry will also increase, also during the adaptation period for New Habits which requires social restrictions.
So that it can be said that all joints of the national economy sooner or later and have become reality, really need and rely heavily on the use of technology. “This has also been conveyed by the President that the Covid-19 pandemic is a momentum for us as a nation to do an economic reboot to restructure the industry,” he concluded.