Needs Indonesia Presents Mini Vending Machines at MRT Station

Local startup Needs Indonesia provides on-demand mask vending machines and health needs at the Istora Mandiri MRT station, Jakarta. Located at the Istora Mandiri MRT station (Gate A), Jakarta, this mini vending machine has conducted pilot testing from 10 October 2020 to 18 October 2020 by providing free masks to people using MRT services.
The mask Vending Machine is planned to continue pilot testing with a target of deploying 10 machines until December 2020, with a target of launching January 2021. Octa Myanda, Co-Founder & CEO of Needs, said that in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, people need medical goods hygiene, such as masks and hand sanitizers.
Needs Indonesia is a startup founded by Octa Myanda (Co-founder & CEO of Needs). This startup’s journey began at the end of July 2020, where the first product released was a medical and hygiene mini vending machine.

“We started this startup journey since the end of July 2020, where the first product we issued was a medical and hygiene mini vending machine, considering that our main goal is to #fulfill end-user needs through vending machine technology,” Octa said in his statement, Monday ( 19/10/2020).
Octa said that in the process of installing the mask vending machine, Ario Bimo, Head of the Istora Senayan MRT Station, was assisted in the installation process. Needs is the initial stage of a startup in the IoT (Internet of Things) field that provides goods purchasing services through mini vending machines.
Made by the Nation’s Young Generation
On-demand mini vending machines from Needs are available in three sizes, namely 40 x 40, 60 x 60, and 100 x 60 cm. The process of making vending machines, both from hardware and software, is done independently, not through purchases from abroad (imports).
Therefore, this machine is very flexible in determining the items sold in the mini vending machine and is not just fixated on food & beverage vending machines, like the majority of products in Indonesia today.

Compared to conventional large vending machines, mini vending machines have far-reaching advantages in terms of selling prices, rents, and maintenance. For example, the electricity used for this machine is only in the 60-125 watt range, while conventional vending machines require an average in the 450 watts ++ range.
In addition, this vending machine operates 24 hours, not like an air conditioner, which is only used for 6-10 hours per day. In terms of location placement, mini vending machines are easier to place in locations that have a relatively small area because they don’t require a large space like conventional vending machines.
Even for sizes 40 x 40, this vending machine can be placed in places such as toilets to sell personal-care products such as sanitary napkins, toilet sanitizers, and tissue.
Providing Ease for Communities in the Middle of a Pandemic
This mini vending machine is very easy to apply and operate during a pandemic because it does not require direct contact between humans and machines (touchless) to avoid covid-19 transmission.

Users only need to scan the QR Code on the vending machine screen using each user’s smartphone, then simply log in for those who already have an account, or register with an email and cellphone number.
“After the user logs in, the item selection page will appear immediately, then it will immediately redirect to the payment page, and the goods are ready to be picked up,” said Octa.
Regarding the payment method, currently, the Needs mini vending machine only serves payments via e-wallet. That way, the presence of this mask vending machine can provide a solution for people in the midst of a pandemic.