PINA Application Now Accommodates Investment in Stocks and Mutual Funds

After completing initial funding led by 1982 Ventures at the end of 2021, the PINA personal finance management application developer began rolling out a number of features in its application.

By embedding stock and mutual fund products, users can now invest directly in the platform. Being under the auspices of Trust Sekuritas, PINA offers a variety of technological features to facilitate financial management.
PINA’s co-founder Christian Hermawan who also serves as President Director of Trust Sekuritas said, with the existing license, PINA gives users the option to invest in stocks and mutual funds. Trust Sekuritas has been registered and supervised by OJK.
“Me and Daniel Van Leeuwen (CEO of PINA) have different backgrounds but feel the same difficulties. Daniel with a background in digital and I are more into the pen and paper industry, hopefully we can complement each other,” said Christian.
PINA also ensures that users’ investments will remain safe in their own Customer Fund Accounts (RDN) and users’ investments will be stored in KSEI (Indonesian Central Securities Depository) through Trust Sekuritas.
Trust Sekuritas has also been trusted to cooperate with several asset management companies such as Sinarmas Asset Management, BNI Asset Management, Sucorinvest Asset Management, and BNI where customer fund accounts are kept.
Asked whether PINA has plans to add crypto assets to the platform in the future, Christian emphasized that there are no plans to go that way. Their current focus is to introduce stock and mutual fund products as well as financial management tools.

PINA’s Excellent Features
Targeting the easy generation, PINA has several features that are claimed to be superior. Among them is PINASave, a tool that can manage finances. Then there is PINAInvest which has been automated to make investing easier.
There is also PINACash which is a saving feature. Then PINA also presents PINAClassroom, which is a place for users to get financial information for free.
PINA has also been integrated with various financial aspects of investors such as savings, deposits, BPJS, credit cards and others. Banks that are available on the current platform include BNI, BCA, Mandiri and CIMB Niaga — user accounts can be integrated directly into the application to record financial reporting.
It is hoped that in only one platform, users do not need to use many applications to manage all financial activities. The PINA application has officially launched since the end of 2021.
“For the younger generation what we present is easy access to information and direct access to various channels. With this connection, it can facilitate financial activities on one platform,” said PINA Co-Founder & CEO Daniel Van Leeuwen.
Platforms that offer similar services such as PINA include Halofina, Finansialku, and Fundtastic. Not just a personal financial recording application, they also embed investment services and financial education in their application — their mission is to make it easier for every user to achieve their financial goals.

Become A Part Of Y Combinator
To get more information and insight after pocketing its initial investment last year, PINA then registered to be part of the Y Combinator (YC) program. Currently, PINA is still participating in the program which will end in March 2022.
According to Daniel, there is a special pride for the PINA team to be able to successfully qualify for the YC batch W22 program. In addition to representing Indonesia, they also validate their business model.
“The reason I enrolled in the YC program is to get input from startup founders who have participated in the program and of course partners from Y Combinator themselves. Hopefully I can avoid mistakes when building a startup,” said Daniel.
In addition to getting the opportunity to expand its network to investors globally, PINA has also directly obtained additional capital from YC worth $500 thousand. The fresh funds can then be used by PINA to develop better products