Qlue and HPE Drive Enterprise Digital Transformation through Cloud and Edge Computing
Qlue continues to drive digital transformation efforts for the industry in Indonesia. One of the important things is to integrate the supervisory system in the company for efficient business operations.

Qlue’s founder and CEO, Rama Radity, said that business transformation is something that can’t be stopped because sooner or later the company’s digital technology needs will be higher according to trends that develop in the market.
In addition, companies must also quickly transform to be able to take advantage of a growing market niche. In this case, Qlue itself implements data processing technology in cloud computing, edge computing, and on-premise data centers.
The technology was developed by Qlue to reach more clients and users. The reason is that the use of this startup solution can be implemented flexibly according to the preferences and infrastructure of the client company.
“The use of technology-based on artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) has also proven to help company performance. We note that the operational efficiency of technology users from this Qlue solution can increase 70 percent compared to previous operational costs,” said Rama in an official statement received, Monday (8/11/2021).
The use of computing technology for faster data management and distribution was also recognized by Hewlett-Packard Enterprises (HPE) Country Product Manager PungkySulistyo.
According to him, the use of edge computing technology can boost company efficiency in terms of operational costs by up to 50 percent.
Furthermore, Pungky said, by moving the analysis system at the beginning, the operational supervision system could be faster in providing notifications so that the process could be more effective and anticipatory.
“A practical example is the use of the Google Maps guide application, road users must have really enjoyed the benefits of the application. Both cloud computing and edge computing themselves are complementary, so the application will certainly depend on the digital transformation needs of the company,” he said.

Qlue Synergizes Local Wisdom with the Digital Economy through Technology Localization
On the other hand, Qlue encourages increased localization of technology to maintain local wisdom in Indonesia. This step is considered necessary so that there is no clash of digitalization with Indonesian cultural values.
According to Qlue’s Founder and CEO, RaMa Raditya, technological advances have the potential to degrade local wisdom if not managed optimally.
“One example is urbanization which is getting higher because technological developments tend to be used more in urban areas. This condition causes rural areas to be abandoned by residents which has the potential to reduce the values of local wisdom,” said Rama in his statement, Tuesday (12/10/2021).
Therefore, according to RaMa, technology localization is vital in order to encourage a more optimal synergy between technological advances and local wisdom in utilizing the potential of the digital economy in Indonesia.
“Because technology penetration, which mostly comes from abroad, does not automatically become the answer to problems that occur in a region. With the support of comprehensive data, technology localization becomes more significant in its benefits in becoming a solution for the community,” he added.

Not Only Focus on Developing Technology
RaMa said a significant thing is to accommodate the existing market. So not only focus on developing technology, but also adapting technology to be a solution to a problem.
“In terms of talent, Qlue has engineers from various regions such as Yogyakarta, Bandung, and even Papua. The company has implemented the hyper-localized technology principle so that it can reach all provinces in Indonesia, and is even accepted by markets in Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore,” he claims.
The high penetration of technology is one of the concerns of the government and other stakeholders in Indonesia.
Digital transformation that takes place on a wide scale must pay attention to the values of local wisdom so that the community does not lose its cultural identity.