Qlue Launches IndonesiaBergerak.com, a Reporting Platform for Covid-19

Qlue along with several other Indonesian startups under the banner of venture capital company MDI Ventures, launched Indonesia Mobile (https://indonesiabergerak.com/). This is a platform based on data integration, chatbot and citizen reporting related to the development of Covid-19, which is publicly accessible.
The public can report suspect Covid-19, community crowds, and hospitals that are full through the QlueApp application. The founder and CEO at Qlue, Rama Raditya, said that Qlue added three new categories to the QlueApp application so that the public could report various matters related to Covid-19. This report will be visualized in the form of an open map on the dashboard https://indonesiabergerak.com/laporan-warga.

Furthermore, community reports will be integrated with other data, thus helping people to see the distribution of Covid-19 in Indonesia, reducing the spread of Covid-19 with community crowd reports, and seeing full hospital data.
In a short time, MDI Ventures prepared Qlue and other startups under its auspices to collaborate to prepare a platform that can help the public to get real-time information development and participate in reporting the development of the coronavirus in their environment.
The Combination of Qlue Technology Innovation and Several Other Startups Can Make It Easier for the Community
Kenneth Li, added, by combining technological innovations from Qlue, Kata.ai, Qiscus, and Volantis, the Indonesian people can move by reporting various issues related to Covid-19 through the QlueApp application or monitoring the potential of the Covid-19 pandemic area through Indonesia Bergerak’s platform.
“Hopefully this platform can spur other startups in developing something to help the government suppress the spread of Covid-19.” Kenneth Li closed.
“Starting today, Qlue activates the smart city ecosystem by providing QlueApp as a citizen platform to report and monitor the development of Covid-19 and the QlueWork application that BNPB officers use in the field to coordinate various tasks effectively and efficiently,” Rama said through written statements.

This Innovation Can Help BNPB Tasks
Meanwhile, Chairman of the Co-19 Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling, Lt. Gen. Doni Monardo said, the participation of Qlue and other local startups helped BNPB in providing quick, accurate and transparent understanding and information to the public.
In addition, public participation in reporting suspect Covid-19, a crowd of people who could potentially spread the coronavirus, to the full hospital data is needed by BNPB as data for analysis and determines the next steps in anticipating the spread of the coronavirus in Indonesia.
“The role of startups by the nation’s children like Qlue should be appreciated as a concrete manifestation of the role of the synergy between BNPB and all parties to remain focused on reducing the impact of the spread of Covid-19,” Doni said.
Doni said that the collaboration between BNPB and Qlue had been established since 2017 to accelerate the post-disaster recovery process throughout Indonesia.
“Currently BNPB is increasing cooperation with Qlue to be in the same car to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia,” Doni said.

This Step Received Appreciation from BUMN Special Staff
Special Staff of the Ministry of BUMN, Arya Sinulingga, welcomed and appreciated Qlue’s steps and other startups under the coordination of Telkom Indonesia’s venture capital company, MDI Ventures, which took the initiative to assist the Indonesian government in overcoming the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Ministry of BUMN through MDI Ventures prepares digital innovations that can assist the government in conducting prevention, reporting, and socialization regarding the spread of Covid-19 to the public.
Arya added, “In accordance with the direction of the Minister of SOEs, Mr. Erick Thohir, the Ministry of BUMN focused on ensuring public health is guaranteed. All SOEs are trying to break the distribution of the Covid-19 chain in Indonesia. Hopefully, this collaboration under MDI Ventures can help the community in helping the government curb the spread of Covid-19.”