Qoala Collaborates with JD.ID to Market COVID-19 Insurance Products

This further emphasizes the importance of digital services, including in terms of obtaining insurance products. To make it easier for people to get insurance products, insurtech (insurance technology) startup Qoala recently collaborated with the e-commerce platform JD.ID.
The COVID-19 pandemic that has hit Indonesia since March last year, has in fact changed people’s behavior. Now, people’s daily activities are mostly done online and the fulfillment of needs is done digitally, in order to prevent the transmission of COVID-19.
Qoala collaborates with JD.ID to market COVID-19 insurance products, in collaboration with insurance broker PT Mitra Jasa Pratama and insurance company Takaful Keluarga. This insurance product was released on June 4 last.

“Qoala wants to provide an enjoyable insurance experience while providing peace of mind for everyone, including through collaboration with JD.ID,” said Tommy Martin, Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Qoala.
Affordable Premium is Offered by Qoala
Tommy explained, the premium offered by this insurance is very affordable, which is IDR 15 thousand.
“This insurance protects customers from the risk of contracting COVID-19, dying in an accident, requiring hospitalization compensation, compensation for PCR swab test fees, and experiencing loss of income, with protection benefits of up to IDR 15 million,” added Tommy.
Meanwhile, JD.ID’s Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), Leo Haryono said that JD.ID as an e-commerce platform is not only concerned with always providing the best quality and original products and goods to all consumers.
However, JD.ID is also very concerned about the health of all of its loyal customers through a strategic partnership with the insurtech company Qoala.

“We are very happy and we hope that through this partnership with Qoala, we can expand public access, especially all JD.ID consumers, to health needs, one of which is insurance products,” said Leo.
In addition, the company believes that this partnership can help the government to accelerate a comprehensive digital transformation during the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Qoala Free Smartphone Insurance for Vehicle Policy Purchases
The government’s policy of providing a relaxation of sales tax on luxury goods (PPnBM) for new cars with a 100 percent discount for the period March – May 2021, has ended.
For the months of June to August, the discount on PPnBM will be 50 percent of the normal rate.
A company engaged in insurance technology (insurtech), Qoala, still believes this PPnBM discount can make the automotive industry stretch by increasing car production and sales.
This discount is also a momentum for middle-income people to own a car.
What’s more, the Covid-19 pandemic that is still hitting Indonesia has caused people to worry about taking public transportation, so private cars are the safest and most comfortable option.

This policy can relieve middle-income people who want to buy a new car. However, it is also necessary to ensure that the car needs to be properly protected with insurance protection.
“Car insurance is a form of risk mitigation, to protect the owner from unexpected expenses when something unwanted happens to an important asset such as a car,” said AVP of Marketing Qoala, Delta Andreansyah, in his official statement in Jakarta, Thursday (3/6/2021).
Collaborating with Leading Insurance Companies
Delta explained that Qoala is working with a number of leading insurance companies and insurance broker PT Mitra Jasa Pratama to develop car insurance products.
By having car insurance from Qoala, he continued, car owners can get comprehensive or all risk protection (all types of damage including light, heavy, or total loss due to theft).
In addition, Total Loss/TLO (covering loss/damage where repair costs are more than 75 percent of the car price including total loss due to theft).
“By choosing insurance from Qoala, customers can get the best premiums at affordable prices for cars, without the need for surveys and with a quick purchase process in minutes through the Qoala app and website,” said Delta.