RevoU is Ready to Enliven the Edtech Startup Market in Indonesia

Edtech (education technology) is said to be one of the sectors that reaped the greatest benefits during the Covid-19 pandemic. During this condition, the edtech startup players in Indonesia achieved positive achievements.
This is evident, among other things, from reports of cellular operators which state that their use of internet networks to edtech services during 2020 has increased rapidly, when compared to the 2019 period.
Not wanting to miss this opportunity, RevoU has established itself to enliven the edtech market in Indonesia. Founder and CEO at RevoU, Matteo Sutto said the company has a big mission to equip students with skills that are really needed by the Indonesian technology industry today.

“We just started this program at the end of 2019, but now we have helped hundreds of students to get their dream careers in the technology industry. Every month we get thousands of applicants,” said Sutto via email.
For now, RevoU offers a Full-Stack Digital Marketing class that helps students learn Performance Measuring, SEM, SEO, CRM, to Content Marketing. “RevoU wants to be a platform for career acceleration for anyone provided they have a strong willingness to learn, regardless of background, education level or previous career,” he said.
There is an Imbalance between Company Needs and HR Skills
In addition, he assessed that there is a clear gap between the needs of technology companies in Indonesia, even in Southeast Asia, and the skills of candidates currently on the job market. He also believes that the root of this inequality lies in the inadequacy of the tools and means to train these skills to better suit industry needs.
Then according to him, the absence of a more practical learning method is also one of the factors behind this inequality. Encouraged by these findings, he and his team believe RevoU can be a solution.

“We offer an intensive learning program that lasts three months that are scheduled outside of working hours. We need your commitment to provide 15-20 hours per week and take live interactive classes 5 days a week,” said Sutto.
In practice, RevoU involves professionals with 4-10 years of experience in their fields in Indonesian and Southeast Asian technology companies as instructors. Call it Tokopedia, GoJek, Traveloka, Bukalapak, Vidio, Glints, iPrice, StashAway, and digital agencies such as XYZ Labs. Currently, the RevoU team consists of 25+ people spread across several cities in Indonesia, Denmark and Malaysia.
Novakid, another EdTech Company Enters the Indonesian Market
Novakid Inc the US-based EdTech company, which specializes in teaching English to children aged 4-12 years, is entering the Indonesian market. This company is an online school that is taking learning English for children to a new level in countries where English is not the primary spoken language.
There, English is usually taught as an abstract subject, with a focus on learning grammar. Meanwhile, practical exercises are not prioritized. Novakid employs a unique format that combines a highly interactive learning syllabus with online private lessons where students and teachers only speak English which very accurately creates a climate of English-speaking countries.

“Such experiences are usually not possible to provide offline or have to involve teachers from the US or UK, which is very expensive,” said Max Azarow, co-founder and CEO of Novakid in a written statement. He explained they provide services in more than 30 countries. Novakid’s goal is to advance the world through fostering seamless communication in the 21st century.
Novakid’s teaching method is based on the Asher, Thornbury, Krashen, Chomsky language acquisition method and is specially designed for children aged 4-12 years. “Thanks to a unique and hands-on learning approach, digital generation children are offered a highly personalized learning program,” said Amy Krolevetsky, Novakid Director of the learning syllabus.