Ruangguru is on the List of the World’s Most Transformative Education

Ruangguru is on the list of the 50 most transformative education companies in the world, according to Global Silicon Valley (GSV). This edtech startup is the only representative from Southeast Asia. GSV focuses on innovation in the fields of education and work.
This global company estimates that the market potential for the education sector is US$ 7 trillion as of September. Especially for the online learning method, the value is predicted to be US$ 160 billion. They also examined 50 educational companies that were judged to be the most transformative based on four core factors, namely impact, participant base, business scale, and outreach.

Based on this assessment, Ruangguru was included in the list. In addition, there are 17 companies from the United States (US), 16 from China, and 6 from India. In aggregate, the 50 companies included in the list attract 2.7 billion students worldwide. Meanwhile, Ruangguru currently has 20 million users.
“This achievement can only be achieved thanks to the team’s hard work in serving 20 million users, both school and adult students,” said Ruangguru founder and president director Belva Devara quoted in a press release, Monday (19/10).
Since the beginning of the year, the company has attracted five million new customers. The Ruangguru Free Online School Service has also been used by 10 million students. The increase in use is in line with government policies that urge teachers and students to hold teaching and learning processes from home.
Ruangguru Opens Free Online School
One of the services provided to support distance education is the free Ruangkelas service. For now, this service has been used by tens of thousands of schools spread across 470 districts/cities throughout Indonesia.

Recently, the startup also held the Ruangguru 2 Online School program, students can take part in online distance learning (live teaching) every Monday to Friday, just like school as usual on the Ruangguru application.
Starting from Monday, August 3, 2020, students can take part in the Ruangguru 2 Online School learning which is divided into two sessions every day starting at 13.00 WIB. There will be 15 learning channels covering all subjects according to the national curriculum, from grade 1 SD to grade 12 SMA (IPA and IPS), which are guided by Ruangguru Master Teachers.
Ruangguru Collaborating with Telkomsel
Based on data from the Ministry of Education and Culture as of April 13, it shows that there are 68.73 million students who have to study from home. As many as 41.6% of them are students at the primary school (SD)/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah/equivalent level.
Then 19% are junior high school (SMP)/MTs/equivalent level students. Another 6% are teachers. At the beginning of the Covid-19 in Indonesia, Ruangguru even hooked 1 million users a day. The application download was ranked first on the Google Play Store Indonesia, last March (17/3).

Understanding this, Ruangguru is actively collaborating, one of which is with Telkomsel. Through this partnership, the company provides monthly subscription packages and focuses on targeting the younger generation segment.
In addition, it is collaborating with Persada Capital Investama and the Adaro Foundation to provide scholarships to 1,200 high school 12th-grade students. The company noted that 80% of them entered selected state universities (PTN).
Ruangguru is also present in Vietnam, under the name Kienguru. Ruangguru Product and Partnership Founder and Director Iman Usman said his company relies on 200 people to manage Kienguru in Hanoi, Vietnam.
He claims, Ruangguru is considered an innovative educational technology in Vietnam. In that country, Ruangguru’s competitors are also not many. Startups in the education sector have also been targeted by investors during the corona pandemic. BRI Ventures CEO Nicko Widjaja said his services were needed to support the distance teaching and learning process.