SMEs Can Expand Market through BukaPengadaan from Bukalapak

BukaPengadaan, the e-procurement business line from Bukalapak, has opened opportunities to optimize the potential of 6.5 million MSMEs to compete in a wider market since its launch in 2016.
By optimizing the existence of millions of traders throughout Indonesia, BukaPengadaan is committed to meeting every need of corporations and the government, through the provision of competitive, accountable, credible, and transparent procurement of electronic goods and services.

Director of the BukaPengadaan Indonesia, Hita Supranjaya, said that the pandemic is a difficult time for MSMEs. By incorporating MSMEs into BukaPengadaan integration, MSMEs have the opportunity to be in a wider market and reach consumers with a larger scale of transactions.
“This also means increasing the competitiveness and business capabilities of MSMEs according to our goals. With the spirit of mutual cooperation with MSMEs, BukaPengadaan transactions have doubled throughout 2020,” said Hita, quoted from Bukalapak’s statement, Monday (22/3/2021).
For your information, in 2020, BukaPengadaan has been appointed as partner operator by LKPP. The goal is to support the Go Digital Micro and Small Business Program (UMK).
Electronic Transactions Support Financial Transparency
LKPP Main Secretary Setya Budi Arijanta said that the Bela Pengadaan program, which collaborates with a number of marketplaces, is expected to be able to provide economic stimulus to micro and small businesses through government spending which is currently affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.
“The existence of a marketplace such as BukaPengadaan can make doing business easier for business actors,” said Setya.

In addition, according to him, electronic transactions presented by the marketplace are expected to be able to encourage transparency so as to reduce the potential for corruption in the field of government procurement of goods and services.
Furthermore, Hita added, currently, e-procurement solutions are still very relevant, especially since their development is tailored to the needs of a wider range of customers.
Will Continue to Bring Innovations to Open Procurement
“The innovation that we have launched is that companies can have a marketplace equipped with goods and services at Bukalapak, as we have implemented for Bela Pengadaan,” he said.
In addition, financing services are also an attractive option for customers and vendors because they get approval faster and help capitalize in this difficult time.
BukaPengadaan itself provides financing services to partners with a record of good transactions. Hita hopes that this financing service can encourage the positive performance of MSMEs in meeting procurement needs.
BukaPengadaan, according to Hita, will still present various innovations in the future. At the end of the year, BukaPengadaan said he would add one more innovation.
According to Bukalapak, Fintech will Grow in 2021
Bukalapak, through Open Investment Together (BIB), invites the public to implement the right strategy and steps for investment. Because the year 2021 is predicted to be a Bullish Year or a strengthening trend in the economic level which is driven by various factors.

Although uncertainty due to the pandemic still surrounds the capital market, several market indicators show bullish potential. Among other things are the improvement in GDP, lowering interest rates, and the implementation of the Covid-19 vaccination.
The increase in digital penetration and the growth of the middle class in Indonesia shows positive signals and opportunities, especially for financial industry players. Bukalapak is also optimistic about the investment climate this year.
CEO of PT Buka Investasi Bersama, Teddy Oetomo, said that fintech industry players, especially in the investment sector, are expected to take advantage of this situation.
“We see this as an opportunity that continues to develop and innovate in providing financial solutions online, especially in providing access to the underserved segment through the financial services we offer,” said Teddy, quoted from Bukalapak’s statement, Wednesday (24/3/2021).
Similarly, the Business Development Director of PT Buka Investasi Bersama, Angganata Sebastian, revealed that the growth of fintech companies, especially in the investment sector, shows great opportunities that can be achieved by the fintech industry. This will also increase public awareness in investing.