StaffAny Gets Funding from East Ventures, Soon to Expand to Indonesia

East Ventures was involved in a series A funding round which was obtained by StaffAny of $3.4 million or IDR 48.8 billion. StaffAny is a startup provider of solutions for workforce management from Singapore.

In his official statement, StaffAny said that they would use this funding to scale up their business and team to the region, particularly to the Indonesian and Malaysian markets.
Meanwhile, this funding was led by GGV Capital, also participated by a number of investors from FreakOut Shinsei Fund, Far East Ventures, Farquhar Venture Capital, as well as several angel investors, including former Slack CFO Allen Shim.
StaffAny offers solutions for blue collar workers to optimize operational services in real-time and integrated, improve performance, and cut costs through the development of a number of features.
Those are such as scheduling work time, tracking employee attendance, to requesting leave. It helps to optimize operational scheduling, time tracking, and timesheet consolidation at the end of the month.
Co-founder StaffAny Janson Seah said, the need for workforce management digitization among companies continues to increase, triggered by the implementation of the Work FromHome (WFH) system during the Covid-19 pandemic.
“Companies are starting to realize that these tools help to efficiently scale [businesses], and generate data that can improve operations and profitability,” said Janson.
In 2021, StaffAny has successfully reached markets in seven countries, its solutions have helped track more than 11 million employee hours worked and saved more than 350,000 man hours.
“Despite being constrained by the pandemic, last year, we managed to increase our geographic reach to seven countries. By 2021, our workforce management solutions tracked more than 11 million employee man-hours and helped save over 350,000 man-hours,” added Eugene Ng, Co-Founder of StaffAny.

Flexibility of Work During a Pandemic
The Gartner survey revealed that the Covid-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the way and system of working that existed so far. Business leaders in the world consider workforce management to be one of the elements for success in the future.
Gartner also reports that traditional full-time or office-based workforce management is considered outdated and no longer relevant to meeting rapidly changing business needs.
As many as 32% of companies are considering replacing permanent employees with contingent and gig workers to save costs. Both offer greater flexibility for workforce management.
Not only that, the combination of a workforce with AI, automation, and other advanced technologies is considered to have a major impact on managing work that is more agile, scalable, and resilient. Moreover, with the development of the work from home system, employees can get work flexibility.
According to a ReportLinker report, the global workforce management solutions market is estimated to reach $3.5 trillion in 2020 and is projected to reach $3.86 trillion in 2021. With a CAGR of 8.68%, its value is estimated to increase to $6.38 trillion in 2027.

Updating Workforce Management Solutions in Last Year
Last year, StaffAny updated their workforce management solution to ensure support for businesses operating under COVID-19 regulations.
This includes integrating with TraceTogether (in Singapore) and MySejahtera (in Malaysia), for convenience in entering working hours and employee contact tracing, providing reminders for staff to take rapid antigen tests, and updating staff vaccination status.
In 2021, StaffAny will also update its workforce management solutions to continuously improve operational efficiency and support the revenue goals of its clients.
This includes the addition of new features to improve operational efficiency, such as automated scheduling, where the best staff are scheduled into vacant shifts based on customizable criteria and rules, and sales results-based scheduling.
This allows managers to allocate labor to meet sales and sales targets which are calculated based on working hours.