Students Join National Education Week Competition on Quipper Platform

To increase creativity while studying at home, edutech company Quipper held a national education week competition on May 6-18, 2020.
Distance learning or learn from home during the Covid-19 pandemic has entered its twelfth week. Some edutech startups try to help governments, schools, and universities maximize teaching and learning activities from home.
A variety of creativity has been done by teachers and students so that teaching and learning activities can continue to run online.

Edutech (educational technology) companies do not miss offering various innovations so that teaching and learning activities run effectively and efficiently, starting from holding live interaction sessions with well-known resource persons, webinars, to holding national-level competitions.
The Competition is an Appreciation for Students and Teachers
Ruth Ayu Hapsari, Quipper Indonesia’s Business Development Manager said, the competition was held as a form of appreciation for the activeness of teachers and students in using the Learning Management System during the distance learning period.
“The national education week competition was attended by 1,098 schools and 66,297 students who registered,” Ayu said in a written statement, Friday (5/29/2020).
At the end of the competition, participants narrowed to 30 most active junior high school students, 30 most active high school students, 10 most active junior high schools, and 10 most active high school students. They were selected as the winners of the competition and entitled to bring home prizes with a total value of IDR 40 million and gadgets.
Ruth Ayu Hapsari, Quipper Indonesia’s Business Development Manager, expressed her congratulations to the teachers and students.
“We congratulate the winners and we hope that the prizes given can be useful for students and schools so that they can continue to drive the spirit of learning and creativity of teachers and students during the distance learning period,” Ayu said in a written statement, Friday (5/29/2020).

This Startup also Holds Its First Webinar
In addition, in an effort to increase interaction between teachers and students in order to optimize teaching and learning activities during the distance learning period, Quipper has also held a premiere webinar.
At that time 646 teachers from all over Indonesia participated. The discussion session was guided by Fiktor Piawai, as one of the Super Teacher Quipper, who explained several creative ways to help teachers maximize the distance learning system.
This webinar discusses the topic of how to apply good and strategic distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in the education sector. The discussion session hosted by Fiktor Piawai, as one of the Super Teacher Quipper, explained several creative ways to help teachers maximize the distance learning system.
Forms of distance learning that are currently commonly carried out by varied teachers, ranging from WhatsApp applications, virtual meetings, group assignments, to the use of Learning Management System (LMS).

The Teachers Share Their Experiences Following the Event
One teacher representative from SMAN 53 Jakarta, Refina Hadinurjana shared her experience in implementing PJJ during the pandemic. According to him, this situation indirectly forces teachers to be able to adapt quickly in using technology.
“I once made a lesson to students to make a poem related to COVID-19 and then upload it to the Spotify music platform,” Refina said.
Eid al-Manafa Damai, from SMAN 1 Dampit, also shared his appreciation for the webinar that Quipper and the teachers had held together because they were considered very useful and could provide references on how to teach creatively, and hoped that webinar sessions could be held later with material training.
“The webinar organized by Quipper is already good and really helped me get new references. Maybe in the future, there needs to be a short training to create or implement new and interesting applications to be applied in schools,” Eid said.