TaniHub and Sayurbox Transactions Skyrocketed up to 3 Times

Startups Tanihub and Sayurbox recorded a three-fold increase in transactions during the implementation of the Emergency Community Activity Restrictions or PPKM. This happens because people’s activities outside the home are limited.
TaniHub Group Chief Marketing Officer & Head of TaniHub Ritchie Goenawan said transactions have continued to soar since the emergency PPKM took effect on July 3. “An increase of up to three times,” he said, Monday (26/7).

He conveyed, the surge in transactions occurred because people relied on online services to reduce the risk of transmission of the coronavirus.
In addition, the demand for agricultural products has increased during the Covid-19 pandemic. “The most in-demand commodities today are vegetables, fruit, chicken, and eggs,” said Ritchie.
To ensure the availability of goods, Tanihub develops end-to-end technology. “We make fresh product management systems, warehouses, transportation management systems to develop e-commerce platforms,” he said.
The startup is also recruiting more operational workers in anticipation of increasing demand for services. The surge in demand during emergency PPKM was also experienced by Sayurbox.
“The increase is 43%,” said the Communications Manager of Sayurbox Bintang Angkasa. The most purchased products are red and white onions, scallions, bananas, papaya, dragon fruit, rice, wheat flour, brown rice, tempeh, eggs, and tofu.
Implementing Several Ways to Maintain Goods Availability
To maintain the availability of goods, the company implements several methods, one of which is the planting program. This is to find out what the market needs. “That way, farmers can sell their harvest optimally without any shortage of goods,” he said.
The startup also cooperates with more than 1,000 farmers. Bintang stated that the company is committed to educating farmers, especially through the plasma program.

The company also provides funding, technical assistance, and assistance in calculating profit and loss to farmers through the program.
The government has implemented emergency PPKM since July 3. The regulation was extended until August 2, with two schemes, namely PPKM level 4 and 3 which are regulated in the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 24 of 2021.
The mall can operate until 17.00 with a maximum capacity of 25% in the PPKM level 3 area. Meanwhile, in the PPKM level 4 area, shopping centers are temporarily closed, except for access for store employees who serve online sales for a maximum of three people.
Food stalls or warteg, street vendors (PKL), hawker stalls, and the like are allowed to open in level 4 and 3 PPKM areas. Visitors in level 3 PPKM areas can eat in place for a maximum of 30 minutes and have a visitor capacity of 25%.
While in the PPKM level 4 area, mealtimes are limited to a maximum of 20 minutes and the number of visitors is a maximum of three people. Public transportation in the PPKM level 3 area can operate with a maximum capacity of 70%.
While in the PPKM area level 4 the maximum capacity is 50%. “We will make some adjustments to the activities and mobility of the community gradually and their implementation is carried out carefully,” said President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) during a virtual press conference, Sunday (25/7).
TaniHub Group Continues to Improve Services
TaniHub Group, the agritech startup with the largest growth in Indonesia, is committed to continuing to provide the best service for its consumers during the prolonged Covid-19 pandemic.

Even though the situation is full of challenges, the company has an ecosystem from upstream to downstream with a strong enough capacity to meet the community’s demand for quality food.
Ritchie Goenawan, Chief Marketing Officer of TaniHub Group and Head of TaniHub, said that resilience in challenging times is important for the company.
TaniHub Group, continued Ritchie, is not only ready to face challenges, but also continues to look for opportunities that can accelerate efforts to increase the Indonesian agricultural value chain.
“If we are not able to provide services, processes, and execution as optimally as possible, it will certainly have an unfavorable impact. Not only for ourselves, but also for all stakeholders,” he said.