Targeting RI Education Market, Pintro Transaction Reaches IDR 824 Billion

The education market in Indonesia is considered potential because the number of students is large and the budget is large. Pintro’s information technology solution (IT) startup even recorded transactions of Rp. 824 billion in 2.5 years focusing on targeting this segment.
The company was founded in 2005 and started providing paid services in 2007. Pintro has hooked more than 200 educational institutions with more than 250 thousand users until 2017. This year, they are targeting to be able to hook 1,500 educational institutions.
In 2017, Pintro provides payment services through cooperation with banks such as BCA, Bank Mandiri, BNI, and BRI. This startup also partnered with payment technology (fintech) payment service providers such as Doku, as well as Kintivo and Akulaku fintech financing (lending).

The payment service has been used by 70 schools with more than 20 thousand students. “The transaction reached 230 thousand more than Rp 824 billion,” Pintro Business Development Manager Maya Rahmawati said, last weekend (12/3). About 70% of them are payments for Education Development Donations or school fees.
The Services Provided are Paid Services and Free Services
The startup provides paid and free services. In the case of Software as a Service (SaaS), Pintro provides end to end solutions ranging from e-enrollment, e-payment, e-communication, e-canteen, e-mart, e-parking, e-presence, e-classroom to e-HRD.
The amount of service provided depends on the package chosen by the educational institution. “The fee starts from IDR 10 thousand per student per month. Up to two thousand students have price negotiations,” Maya said.
He claims the services provided by Pintro increase the work efficiency of teachers. Also, the development of each student becomes more measurable.

Al-Azhar Islamic Boarding School Foundation is an educational institution that uses Pintro services. “Our clients are in Java and Sumatra. All of them are private,” he said. At the end of last year, Pintro also released a free platform called Pintro Lite.
The service has been attended by 192 institutions, consisting of 161 schools, four universities, and 27 courses as of February 2020. “We can get 30-40% administrative fees,” he said. With the free and paid service, Maya claims the company has returned capital (break-even point / BEP).
Pintro Lite, a Free Application to Digitize Educational Services
Syarif Hidayat, CEO of Pintro said Pintro Lite will later digitize all services in the world of education, starting from the school profile, the process of registering new students, paying tuition fees, report cards, accounting, payroll, and others will be integrated in an 24-hour online system through mobile apps.
“Pintro Lite can be accessed easily by schools, parents, students and students 24 hours online and from smartphones,” Syarif Hidayat said.
With a very large population, Indonesia is a very attractive market for foreign companies that are far superior in advance in terms of technology compared to Indonesia.
“Pintro Enterprise is a paid special educational institution that accommodates around 200 schools in DKI Jakarta. While Pintro Lite as an ERP education-based digital ecosystem marketplace platform in Indonesia is based on ERP,” he added.

Pintro Is Applying for a Virtual Service Permit to BI
At present, the company is also applying for a virtual account service license to Bank Indonesia (BI). Pintro hopes to get the permit this year.
The Pintro service is actually in line with the target of the Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Makarim to reduce the administrative work of the teachers. That way, teachers can focus on developing the potential of their students.
Only, Maya admitted that it was difficult to hold a public school because of bureaucratic issues. Even to attract private schools, companies face challenges from the habit side. “So we do it gradually. About three to six months we can provide the modules,” he said.