The Indonesian Government Encourage The Development of Startup

The Indonesian government continues to encourage the development of startup in this country. To achieve this goal the government uses several methods. One of them is through the Innovation Innovation Indonesia Exhibition (I3E) conducted by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education.
The 2019 technology company exhibition is scheduled to be held on 4-6 October 2019 at the Jakarta Expo Center (JCC) Senayan, Jakarta. The organizer is targeting to invite 24 speakers. Then, the event will be attended by 396 exhibitors from technology companies, involving 16 thousand viewers, and 36 universities throughout Indonesia.

In a press conference to introduce this event at Plaza Senayan, Mohamad Nasir, Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education revealed that this activity was one of the government’s efforts to encourage the development and growth of companies in Indonesia.
This exhibition became one of the means to promote technological innovations and products created by Indonesian young people to the wider community. Therefore, innovations from innovators can benefit the community and ultimately foster the industrial sector, especially in answering the challenges of the industrial revolution of the 4.0 era.
Love Promotion of Technology by the Government
At present many of the technology companies provide advanced facilities, which make the government see if these companies can support the country’s economy. Some things the government is doing in fostering a love for technology now are:
1. Technology company exhibition
Also, it was said that the exhibition was a form of government efforts to introduce and instill a love of technology from innovative companies. As a result, the public can take advantage of innovation in the industrial world today. Finally, it can be used as a commodity.
2. Technology business seminar and talk show
With this business seminar, beginners can get knowledge about the development of technology companies. This activity is useful for beginners to more actively looking for information.

3. Business development
Business development is very beneficial for the pioneers of technology companies because with the holding of this activity they can further mature the company.
4. Technology idea competition
Technology issued by the company must be qualified and leading because every company must have good technology, there will be competition.
Besides exhibiting the results of innovation, this year’s I3E will also carry out other activities, such as business and technology seminars, business talk shows, speed dating, business coaching, and technology idea competitions. A total of 500 investors were also invited to attend this event.
In this case, investors are expected to hold business meetings with companies. Nasir said that the ministry currently manages 1,307 companies, consisting of 749 technology-based companies and 559 technology-based companies. He also said that the ministry was withdrawing funds for the technology-based company.
Technology Companies Grow Under the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education
The technology company which grew up under the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education will have a positive impact on the Indonesian economy. The company can also take part in the economy that can advance Indonesia and improve living standards and can also increase employment opportunities for the unemployed.
Also, it was said that 17 companies under the management of this ministry had obtained a turnover of five hundred million to one billion. The government itself hopes that the company will continue to grow and generate a turnover of one billion to ten billion.

Nasir, the previous Minister, expected new tech-companies can support the Indonesian economy. It was recognized that several companies that received funding from the ministry had failed. Most failures are caused by a lack of marketing by 22% and poor management by 18%.
Then, 15% of them fail because of poor management. The startup failed because the recipient managed to become a civil servant or work in a private company.