Tokocrypto Wants to Boost Crypto Asset Penetration and Literacy through T-Hub

Crypto asset market penetration in Indonesia is currently growing rapidly to become one of the largest markets in Southeast Asia. With more than 273 million people spread across this most populous archipelagic nation, Indonesia deserves to be a fertile ground for any technology and business operating on it with optimal traction.

On the other hand, this is also supported by increasingly inclusive literacy by stakeholders working in the ecosystem. One of them is the crypto asset marketplace platform, Tokocrypto, by launching its new initiative, T-Hub, in Bali.
This is also referred to as a form of support for regional economic recovery efforts, as well as being expected to bring a multiplier effect to revitalize the national economy through the development of the digital economy and acceleration of tourism and hospitality-based industries.
Bali was chosen because it has the potential for a digital and creative economy, as well as a response to the huge interest and demand for the crypto asset investment market on the Island of the Gods.
Recently, Tokocrypto also supported the realization of one of the NFT offline galleries in Bali by the Superlative Secret Society.
T-Hub is Tokocrypto’s initiative in presenting a ‘home’ that is open for enthusiasts and the community to discuss and develop various ideas to encourage the development of crypto asset investment in the country.

T-Hub in Bali is the Second One after Jakarta
Bali is Tokocrypto’s second T-Hub after previously being present at Patal Senayan, Jakarta.Tokocrypto CMO Nanda Ivens sees that Bali has considerable potential for developing the crypto market in the future. This is marked by a significant growth in the number of crypto asset investors.
Tokocrypto noted that the number of crypto asset investors on the Island of the Gods in 2020 was approximately 900 users who invested in Tokocrypto and then increased very rapidly in 2021, namely more than 28,000 users who invested in Tokocrypto.
Through T-Hub, Tokocrypto is not only a platform, but also an ecosystem that accommodates communities that need a means of gathering, education and discussion while developing various appropriate ideas to encourage the development of crypto asset investment and the use of blockchain technology in various digital sectors in Indonesia.
“In accordance with our mission, making crypto legitimate and mainstream and with Tokocrypto’s values, namely; trust, transparency, and synergy, these are our strengths to continue to educate, advocate and empower for the development of the crypto asset industry and blockchain technology,” concluded Nanda.
Tokocrypto COO Teguh Kurniawan Harmanda said his party is actively discussing and collaborating to build shared values (trust, transparency & synergy) with various stakeholders. Not only with the government, but also with associations, media and communities.
T-hub, added Manda, is a form of Tokocrypto’s commitment to expand collaboration to support the development of the crypto and blockchain asset industry through discussions to strengthen regulation and supervision so that the crypto and blockchain industry and ecosystem are safer and more trusted by the Indonesian people.

Government Support
Regulation of crypto assets and their derivatives in Indonesia still has many loopholes and needs more elaboration. However, one thing is for sure, the function that can be practiced by crypto assets today is only as a commodity or asset, not a means of payment.
This was also emphasized by the Deputy Minister of Trade of Indonesia, Jerry Sambuaga. On this occasion, Jerry also revealed the extraordinary growth and development of crypto assets in Indonesia.
Until last December 2021, there were around 11.2 million active users of crypto assets in December 2021 with total transactions reaching 859 trillion rupiah with an average of 2.7 trillion transactions per day.
In addition, the Ministry of Commerce reiterated that the exchange for crypto assets is in the process of being finalized and will be inaugurated in the near future.
The establishment of this exchange is considered important to revive and excite the crypto asset ecosystem in Indonesia. Besides being more integrated, it is also to provide a sense of security for shareholders.