Tokopedia Emas x Pluang, the First Step for Today’s Gold Investment

Internet technology is now able to accommodate various things. Including investment. People who are currently increasingly “literate” investment are now increasingly facilitated through digital platforms that come with various forms from various kinds of startups.

The instruments offered also vary. Starting from stocks, mutual funds, foreign currencies, gold, to cryptocurrencies. Among the various forms of investment, gold is currently the prima donna.
Reporting from, gold sales were recorded at 7.41 tons in the first quarter of 2021, up 45% compared to the same period in 2020.
That is, with the number of sales soaring up to 45%, public interest in gold investment continues to increase. This is due to its nature as a hedging investment instrument or safe haven.
The increasing trend is a concern for Tokopedia to channel public interest in gold investment through an inclusive, easy, fast and affordable feature, namely Tokopedia Emas by Pluang.
This feature presented by Tokopedia can be one of the first steps for people who want to invest in digital gold. Recently, Tokopedia collaborated with Pluang to present TokopediaEmas by Pluang as a gold savings partner at Tokopedia.

The Collaboration is Intended to Reach People from Various Backgrounds
This collaboration is intended to reach people from various backgrounds so that they can start investing in precious metals online only through the e-commerce platform.
This is also in line with Pluang’s mission to be able to reach all levels of society, both the lower middle class and the upper-middle class.
In addition to making it easier for the public to invest in gold, the collaboration between Tokopedia and Pluang can later create many new investors. This can increase financial inclusion in Indonesia as well as financial literacy for the community.
Because it can reach people from various backgrounds, it is also hoped that it can create an investment culture from an early age.
From the collaboration between the leading wealth-tech platform, Pluang and Tokopedia, the public can easily buy and sell investment assets in one application or the Tokopedia website itself. So that the investment process can be carried out thoroughly without taking long.
Another advantage for the community is the affordable initial capital, starting from Rp. 5,000. So that people from various circles can start investing in gold without being constrained by large capital costs.
With the presence of Tokopedia Emas, it is hoped that it can attract people from all walks of life and can realize people’s dreams of having guaranteed future savings.
The added value that will be obtained from the collaboration of these two technology platforms are: all processes are completely online and easy, starting from registration, buying, and selling so that anyone can participate, free of additional costs, the difference between the selling price and the purchase price of gold (spread). stable.
For security and trust issues, users need not worry, because Pluang, as a partner of TokopediaEmas, has obtained a BAPPEBTI license. This can guarantee users to make investment transactions at Tokopedia Emas which is safer and well maintained.

Opportunity to Collaborate with BPAM
Pluang collaborates with a leading Indonesian asset management company, PT Batavia Prosperindo Asset Management (BPAM,) to officially market a mutual fund product called Batavia ESG Sharia Equity USD, starting Monday (20/12/2021).
Batavia ESG Sharia Equity USD is the first and only global mutual fund product that carries the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concept in Indonesia today.
For information, Pluang is a wealth-tech application in Indonesia which is one of the outlets for selling mutual fund securities from PT Sarana Sentosa Sejati or Pluang Glow. Pluang has also been registered with the Financial Services Authority (OJK).
As a Mutual Funds Selling Agent (APERD), Pluang Glow cooperates with BPAM to offer this product to Indonesian retail investors.
BPAM President Director Lilis Setiadi said that his party together with Pluang were enthusiastic about educating the public about the importance of sustainable investment or ESG.