A fintech startup engaged in peer to peer lending (online loans), Investree, said that regulations would be a critical point that determined the development of the creative and tech-companies industries in Indonesia. The reason is ...
Through venture capital, banks can channel various financing schemes to startup, expand to digital services, and reach people who do not yet have access to banks. Several banks in Indonesia are currently expanding their business ...
The CEO and co-founder of DokterSehat, Indra Adam Darmawan said, he launched the Covid-19 Physician Protection service in early May 2020. Medindia is a health startup in Indonesia which is an official partner of the ...
Zoom has become one of the companies that benefit from the region’s lockdown during the coronavirus. Zoom platform has been used by millions of people due to work from home policy. Not only workers, students ...
Tokopedia e-commerce platform user data was reportedly hacked and sold through a dark site (dark web) for US $ 5,000 or around IDR 73.4 million (exchange rate of IDR 14,600 per US $). The data ...
Santara as an equity crowdfunding (ECF) startup officially cooperates with KSEI (Indonesian Central Securities Depository) as a deposit and settlement institution (LPP) in the Indonesian capital market. This cooperation was established as a follow-up to ...
A number of figures behind the startup who became the Palace people sparked a long controversy and ended in the fall of the names behind the leading technology companies. Since the beginning of the appointment ...
Entering the month of Ramadan in the midst of this corona pandemic, you don’t need to worry about being able to stay active in worship. There are ten platforms that can be used to support ...
Limited Liability Company (PT) Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom) Tbk through Metra Digital Innovation (MDI) Ventures created an Indonesia Bergerak program to provide solutions to dealing with coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19). Indonesia Bergerak is a website that ...
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