TopKarir Startup Provides Quick Career Information for Indonesia Young Generation

The Indonesian government is currently making human resource development the focus in using the state budget in the upcoming years. The government’s investment in human resource development is carried out in a variety of ways including improving adaptive and appropriate vocational education as well as training systems.
By encouraging vocational education and schools, the government hopes to reduce unemployment in Indonesia. But, on the contrary, based on data from the Central Statistic Bureau (BPS), the unemployment rate is still quite high, especially at the level of Vocational High School graduates.

Referring to the Official Statistics of the BPS, Indonesia’s Employment in August 2019 reached 5.28%. Meanwhile, the total of Open Unemployment per August 2019 is 7.05 million people. Furthermore, unemployment from the Vocational High School level is the highest with 10.42% compared to other levels of education.
Among the issue, a startup, focusing on a job search application named TopKarir, provides more opportunities for the young generation to find their dream work. This startup aimed at improving the quality of human resources and access to career information, specifically for gathering Vocational High School graduates.
TopKarir Aimed to Help Improve the Quality of Vocational High School Graduates
As much as 80 percent of job vacancies needed by companies are for young people. “The total of unemployment from Vocational High School level is the highest. When compared to the high school or Diploma levels, it is the highest,” CEO and Founder of TopKarir, Bayu Janitra Wirjoatmodjo, said.
Bayu further explained an analysis conducted by TopKarir. He said that there was a mismatch between the HR needed by the employer and the quality of HR for job seekers. “Graduates of Vocational High Schools are considered to still not meet the needs of the industry,” he said.

That underlies TopKarir to provide fast and centralized career information access for young people, one of them is by providing a special channel for vocational school graduates. “We provide job vacancies, internships, training, scholarships, to aptitude tests, and online career consultations,” he added.
Besides, based on the findings of the TopKarir team, several things should be noted related to the human resources in Indonesia. Companies tend to find it hard to get qualified workforces with good hard skills and soft skills. It includes the way job seekers create curriculum vitae and cover letter.
Moreover, the way job seekers response to interview questions and how they behave in the office is necessary to be noted as well. On the other hand, job seekers who are mainly millennial generation need access to fast and precise information about their careers.
TopKarir’s Founder: Cooperation between the Government and Private Sector Is Needed
Considering the reasons above, Bayu explained that the challenge of developing human resources in the country is increasingly complex from day to day. Thus, contributions and cooperation between the government, private sector, and other stakeholders are necessary. This is one of the reasons why TopKarir exists.
TopKarir commits to contribute to government programs, especially in improving the quality of human resources while presenting quick and centralized career information for young generation. Ultimately, it aimed to increase the quality of human resources and help decrease unemployment in the country.

Since it was launched in April 2019, the TopKarir application has been downloaded more than 180,000 times and has accommodated 1.2 million job seekers. Moreover, it has offered more than 26,500 vacancies per day throughout November 2019. TopKarir also regularly holds technology-based job-search exhibitions in remote areas.
“In the past three years, TopKarir has assisted 13,400 Vocational High Schools throughout Indonesia through the Empowerment program in collaboration with eight large business groups. We also regularly do Job Matching in 50 cities during 2019. We have a strategic relationship with the government as well,” Bayu concluded.