UPH Startup Competition Actualized Students’ Business Ideas

Supporting the development of millennial interest in the entrepreneurial world, UPH Sparklabs held a Startup Competition on November 26-28 at the UPH Lippo Village campus. SparkHabs UPH itself is a forum presented by Pelita Harapan University (UPH) to encourage the development of technology-based business ideas in the student environment.
According to the Director of UPH Sparklabs Incubation, Radityo Fajar, the event was first held by UPH to focus on the process of building ideas. The ideas are expected to solve important problems in the community. This competition is open for all UPH students from various generations to alumni.

The goal is for the interaction of ideas that can be evaluated from various levels. It starts with ideas that are still fresh or that have been implemented but not yet fully executed. The theme of this competition was ‘Dare to Take Risk and Fulfill Your Dream’.
This theme was taken considering the facts of the startup businesses where many prospective young entrepreneurs are still in doubt. “So, in the first stage, we want to promote their courage because the first stage to become a successful entrepreneur is to have the courage to decide,” Radityo explained.
The Assessment Involved Judges from Various Fields
The assessment process involved competent judges from various fields of industry including the education industry, CEOs of multinational companies, successful alumni, and internal incubators. “For me, someone who wants to enter the world of entrepreneurship must first have a life goal,” Radityo said.
“Entrepreneurship cannot be forced because it is a calling and perseverance. Then, we simply have to look at the market in terms of technical things. And, remember that behind a problem there is always a solution,” he added in a press release some time ago.
Therefore, when people see a problem, there is also a chance. They can develop it into a business. “In my opinion, the participants who took part in this competition have started the right first step,” Navanti CEO, Ivan Tandyo who was one of the judges, said.

She also said that what UPH did with Navanti is something that she couldn’t find when she started. Thus, she believed that it is a very good thing. Meanwhile, the main factor that becomes the judge’s evaluation criteria is how the ideas can be a solution for many people.
Another criterion is following the business model canvas (BMC) standard. BMC will measure who its target market is and how the revenue streams will be. As a result, these ideas can be focused on being sustainable and the right solutions for the public, not just focused on profits.
Tutoria, an Ed-tech Startup, Became the Winner of the Competition
The Startup Competition was attended by 31 participants who were divided into five groups with their respective business ideas. The five ideas vary greatly. First, Tutoria tries to answer problems in the education field through an application that brings teachers and students together.
Second, there is Market Helper whose mission is to empower traditional markets to become modern markets. Then, it is supposed to connect millennials that have no time in choosing food ingredients that they want. Third, Lalang Team wants to develop an auction application.

Fourth, there is a manufacturing product aiming to help farmers in remote areas by making them the first suppliers. Fifth, there is a drone equipped with artificial intelligence technology. This technology can detect fertilizer content in agricultural areas. Ultimately, Tutoria managed to win the award as the first champion.
Tutoria was founded by six students majoring in International Management including Wesly Kevin, Alvin Harwin, William Rafel, Yonda Windya, Marvin Liang, and Michael Japardi. This competition does not stop here. It will continue to the pitching stage next year to get funding for business realization and future development.