Workplace behavior based on race differences Part #1

Experiences of discrimination in work environments are a common setting where individuals experience racial/ethnic discrimination. Few studies have evaluated the association between workplace discrimination and these behaviors, and none have described associations across race/ethnicity.

Discrimination is defined as denying equal treatment to individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, and national origin. Despite laws put into place to protect employee rights and an increase in corporate investments in diversity and equality management practices, people continue to experience workplace discrimination. There is a 15% increase from 10 years. Of these, complaints of racial discrimination were the most prevalent, with 35.3%, or 33,068 claims, made during the year.
Differences in interpretation of events can lead to miscommunication. If not addressed, awkwardness and hostilities arise. Prejudices will worsen that effect. People can jump to conclusions and misinterpret behaviors.
Diversity is recognizing, understanding and accepting individual differences irrespective of their race, gender, age, class, ethnicity, physical ability, and race. Each individual is unique but also share any number of environmental or biological characteristics.
Diversity can be classified into two dimensions. The primary dimension such as age, gender, sexual orientation and so on, exhibits the main differences between various individuals. These primary differences also have the most impact on initial encounters and can be easily noticed and serve as filters through which people view the world.
The secondary dimensions such as religion, education, geographical location, income, etc., are those qualities that are not noticeable in the first encounter and can even change throughout different encounters. Globalization in this recent time has triggered more interaction amongst people from different cultures and backgrounds than before. People are now more open-minded in the marketplace worldwide with competition coming from almost everywhere in the continent.
Diversity can be a problem to an organization but could also be a solution, It also comes with its disadvantages but also benefits and dangerous but also constructive. The challenge then is to extract the very essence of diversity and tactically manage it for the improvement of the people and the organization. Most organizations in their own perspective, adopt diversity at their workplace or organization to become more creative and open to change.
Increasing and improving workplace diversity has become an important issue for management in recent years due to the recognition of how the workplace is changing. Since managing diversity still remains a challenge in organizations, managers tend to learn managerial skills needed in a multicultural working environment and prepares themselves to teach others within their organizations to value cultural differences and treat all employees with dignity.
For some business leaders and managers’ point of view, diversity is a big challenge to them although it knows no organizational boundary and has no limitations.
The concept of workplace diversity might differ from company to company according to the rules and guidelines that have been stipulated for a particular purpose and also the meaning a company gives to it and how it is often utilized. “No one wants to pay a company for services and not get value for money”, a company that would employ a diverse workforce aims to improve its productivity and income.
When considering adopting a diverse workforce, some important factors and attributes need to be taken into account, which involves the following:
There are five components to an organizational culture that involves its practices, vision, value, people, place, and history. Each organizational culture is unique and different from any other company, therefore any decision made by a company about workplace diversity is based on the company’s beliefs and norms, and must, therefore, reflect on that company.