Zilingo from Singapore Claims to Increase 12% of RI Textile Factory Production

Singaporean startup Zilingo has been developing services under the Business to Business (B2B) scheme since last year. E-commerce claims that the service can increase the production of textile factories owned by consumers up to 12%.
The start-up company developed software for the efficiency of quality control of textile factories. At present, 200 corporations use B2B Zilingo’s services.
Zilingo Indonesia’s Vice President and Country Head Ade Yuanda Saragih claimed, defective goods declined 50% using the service.

“Productivity increased by 12%,” he said in Jakarta, Tuesday (4/2). In addition to providing e-commerce services with a Business to Customer (B2C) scheme, Zilingo has a supply chain platform in the textile industry. “We provide access to parts that have not been maximized (through software),” he said.
Usually, officers record the results of checking the quality of goods on the board or paper, including if there are defective products. With this software, officers enter the data online.
Other related parts can also monitor product quality through the software in real-time. Trimming procedures like this are considered to make efficient the production process. “For the factory owner, it is advantageous to reduce travel costs,” he said.
Ade explained the software was equipped with artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence / AI) so that it could estimate factory production in a year. That way, the company can adjust its targets and performance.
B2B and B2C are Zilingo’s Focus This Year
Returning to its mission to equalize competitive opportunities, especially for small businesses, the Zilingo technology platform seeks to facilitate growth, enhance competitiveness, and develop MSMEs by sharing industry insights.
Ade Yuanda Saragih, VP and Country Head, Zilingo, said Zilingo was originally founded with the idea of helping traders at the Chatuchak Weekend Market in Bangkok to market their products online with the help of technology.

Zilingo now helps traders to produce and market their products by integrating digital services on B2B and B2C platforms.
“Our B2C business opens access for traders to distribute products to customers in 17 countries globally that are included in our network,” Ade said.
After having been in the industry for more than 10 years and interacting directly with various traders, he said, innovation and efficiency are the two main aspects that businesses must have in order to succeed.
Zilingo Aims to Help MSME
In terms of B2B services, Zilingo also offers marketing, procurement, financial and logistical services for corporations and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the textile industry. “For marketing, the turnover of hundreds of millions can be up to Rp 1 billion, because of the order increases,” he said.
A number of these services claimed Ade is more aimed at micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). In the capital services, Zilingo said that he did not have his own fintech company, but cooperated with several institutions such as banks, multi finance companies, and peer-to-peer financial technology companies that had been registered and supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

In this capital service, Ade said that Zilingo acted as opening access and guarantor for SMEs to get capital. The same thing was done by Zilingo in logistics services, in collaboration with other logistics service providers.
In the field of marketing, Zilingo acts as a consultant and provides photography services for catalogs. This is intended so that MSMEs can promote their work products with attractive photo displays, equivalent to large-scale producers.
Ade said that his company will focus on developing BTOB services this year. Although there are currently around 4,000 sellers in the marketplace with Zilingo’s B2C scheme. This year, Zilingo targets the growth of partners who use B2B services to increase 10-fold, from 200 to around 2,000.